Holiday Shakeology Recipes

Chocolate Shakeology Pie AKA Yummy!

Well, it's Thanksgiving and you know what that means- tons of food placed in front of you, most of it unhealthy and you end up feeling like crud for a week after. Let's give ourselves a few option! ...Here is an idea for you shakeology drinkers! A healthy desert to fool all your friends & family.
Here is the nutrition info for 1/8th Pie : Calories: 281, Carbs: 33 g, Fat: 11 g, Protein: 11 g

Here is another recipe for a Thanksgiving Shakeology Recipe!  I think I might just have to make this one in the am before my Thanksgiving dinner!

If you currently do not have Shakeology but are interested in trying it, visit for more details!  You can also message me at and I will give you the scoop on ordering!  It's worth the investment in your health, don't you think?!

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