I have been contemplating a very cool challenge idea for quite some time now and its finally coming together!  I was in a sorority in college called Alpha Sigma Alpha and we were all skinny, beautiful, mostly blonde bombshells and we had a great time!  I have definitely drifted away from some of the girls and I totally miss the late nights where we danced on tables and drank cheap boxed wine! 
So since we can’t go back to college we can at least look like we did when we were in college!  It is just in time for Spring BREAK and BIKINI SEASON!
I would like to propose a challenge to all of my ASA sorority sisters!  Let’s get our rocking college bodies back with a 90 day TurboFire Challenge in which we will challenge another sorority to the best body contest!  The sorority that has lost the greatest amount of pounds and inches at the end of 90 days will win!  We will throw a big bash at my clubhouse to reunite all sisters and celebrate our rockin bodies!  Oh and did I mention there will be a trophy awarded to the winning sorority!!

I chose turbofire because it is a high intensity cardio interval training program that is like a dance party in your living room.  It’s fun, high energy, and perfect for girls who love to shake it!  That combined with

Shakeology is the premium cocktail for success!  I can say that, because I have done it and it works.
So the reqirements for this challenge are:

1.        TurboFire  and Shakeology, so yes this means that if you do not already have it you will have to purchase it.  But I promise you that it is worth the investment in your health.  These two tools are the magic cocktail to losing weight and feeling great.  I have lost 30 lbs drinking shakeology everyday and exercising regularly.

2.       Your commitment to completing the 90 day program and being an active member in the closed facebook support group.
My commitment to you:

I will be available to you 24/7 providing you with daily motivation, guidance, support and accountability through an online facebook private support group and email.  So if you are the type of person who needs someone pushing you each day to get through your workouts then I’m  your girl!  If I don’t hear from you, I will be calling you making sure you are staying focused. I will provide you with guidance regarding your diet and meal planning and recipes to keep you satisfied.  It’s the total package!  Support + Accountablity= Success!
Are you the other sorority reading this message?  Would you like to take on the ASA's in a highly competitive team challenge?  Then, contact me to be a part of the opposing challenge sorority and take on the ASA’s!

So who is willing to invest in their health and fitness and take this 90 day challenge starting on January 30th, 2012?  Just in time for spring break and bikini season!  If you want to win this challenge against another sorority then secure your spot now!  Email me at for more information.  Deadline to register is January 23rd, 2012.

We always LOVE a good challenge and we certaintly always win! 
