How to Stick to Your New Years Resolution

I’m sure if you are reading this, one of your New Year’s Resolutions is to get fit and healthy. CONGRATULATIONS. That first step is huge!!! But the REAL hard work lies ahead...
In the past, have you ever made a “get healthy & fit” resolution, only to burn out a month or two in? Have you started out strong and inspired, and then lost motivation? It’s not at all uncommon! But I’m here to HELP you make THIS YEAR’S resolution STICK!!!

Part of the reason people burn out so fast is because they set themselves up for failure from the start. I know that sounds harsh, but hear me out! While it is absolutely wonderful and commendable that so many people resolve to exercise and eat healthier, they often times put too much pressure on themselves and try to change everything at once, without taking any time to adjust. They swiftly become exhausted from their new lifestyle and go back to their old ways. Believe it or not, simply making new DECISIONS is tiring in itself, let alone breaking out of your comfort zone and eat well and exercising!

Here are my TOP TIPS for sticking to that New Year’s Resolution YEAR ROUND!

You can do anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself, don’t give up and you will get there <3 strong="strong">

You can always join my 12 week health and fitness program to be surrounded by constant motivation, support, guidance, meal planning and recipes to keep your head in the game and you body working towards your goals!

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