Fall Fitness Challenge 2011

Today is the first day of the Fall Fitness Challenge.  A fellow coach and I decided to continue the previous Fit and Fab for Fall Challenge and add extra incentives for people who have the biggest transformation. 

What is the Fall Fitness Challenge?
It is a group of people all committed to getting fit and eating healthy to change their lives for the better.  It is a facebook support group that is runned by your Independent Beachbody Coach.  Your coach provides you with weekly motivation and tips on eating healthy and exercise.  Your coach holds you accountable to the goals that you have set for yourself.  Your coach can also create customized meal plans for you to start re thinking your eating habits.

Prizes:  The first place winner will receive a months supply of Shakeology free! Shakeology is the healthiest meal of the day.  Shakeology is like eating 6 salads a day that taste like a chocolate shake!

How Do I get a Coach?
You go to www.teambeachbody.com/melaniemitro and sign up for a free account.  From there you create your personal profile.   You choose me as  your coach and once you do you will pop up in my back office as a customer.  I will then add you to the Fall Fitness Challenge support group on Facebook and the Team Dynasty support group as well. 

I created my account what's next?
Next, you need to complete your profile.  You need to take your measurements and enter them into the beachbody site.  You need a before picture taken in workout clothes from the front, side and back.  I would recommend wearing close fitting clothes so you can see the transformation.  If you are brave enough, a bathing suit is great! 

Choose your fitness program?
Decide what type of fitness program that you will do.  I have an extensive list of Beachbody fitness programs that are proven to get drastic results such as P90X and Insanity.  If you need help choosing a program then message me for assistance.  You can also choose other forms of exercise as well such as going to the gym, taking classes, running, ect.  Whatever you do to get moving!

Develop goals.
I want you to actually write out your 30 day goals and your long term goal.  For example, when I started my very first challenge my goal was to lose 20 pounds.  I broke that down into short term goals.  Workout 3 days per week.  Lose 4 pounds this month.  After I accomplished the goal I made new ones.  I also changed my goals midway through the challenge as my needs changed.  I also posted pictures of models that I wanted to look like as my motivation to achieve the best body I could.  Do what works for you!  I encourage you to share your goals with me so that I can keep you accountable! 

Now what?
Login to Wowy Supergym everyday and log your workouts for a chance to win $500 daily just for keeping track of your workouts.  Check the facebook message boards everyday and be an active member.  Post on the things you are achieving and the things that you are struggling with.  You will be amazed at the amount of support you will receive. 

If you have more questions please message me and I'd love to help you personally achieve your fitness and health goals!  I love my job and I love seeing other people succeed!