Slim Ladies Challenge Results

I am so excited to announce that my Slim Ladies Challenge has finally come to an end and I have some big results to publish!  This is an amazing group of ladies who pushed through adversity each and everyday to achieve amazing results!  Each of the women in the group participated in the Slim in 6 program.  The program is 6 weeks long and focuses on cardio and strength training.  It has 3 phases that build intensity as you progress over the six weeks!  Each of the ladies also followed my clean eating meal plan and together we critiqued their diet and exercise to get them to reach their short term weight loss goals.  Each of these women has grown tremendously over the past 6 months and have learned life long habits that they will be able to use for the rest of their lives to make healthy choices about their diet and exercise.

The Results are in!!!!
In 6 weeks Lisa lost 20lbs and 26 inches off her entire body!  Lisa has completely embraced eating clean and has changed her families entire lifestyle!  Lisa also replaced 1 meal a day with Shakeology and has been feeling amazing!  I'm so proud of her effort and her ability to stick with it even when she had an injury!!!  Way to go LISA!!!  Lisa will be starting P90X with my Spring Slim Down Challenge!

Debbie lost 8 lbs and 13.5 inches in 6 weeks!  Debbie has two grown children and enjoys golfing with her husband and having a few drinks with her friends.  She quickly realized that as we get older we cannot just eat the same that we always have!  Debbie and I have spent lots of time going back and forth discussing meal planning and exercise modifications to meet her needs!  I'm so proud of Debbie for sticking to her commitment!  I am so proud that you have completed these 6 weeks and I am so excited to start the Spring Slim Down Challenge with you and TurboJam!

Kathy lost 9 lbs and 7.5 inches off her body in 6 weeks.  Kathy is also my mom and has done an amazing job!  She works full time has 2 grandchildren and lots of friends.  She is always on the go and loves helping other people!  She always puts everyone else first except herself!  WE had a long discussion about her taking care of herself because she was getting sick all the time and feeling run down.  Since she has started eating clean, drinking her Shakeology everyday and exercising she has more energy and has totally felt the effects of a healthy lifestyle! She plans to continue with Slim in 6 and continue mixing things up.  I'm so proud of you mom!!!

Each of these ladies loved the support, motivation and accountability that they received from the group that they decided to take on my next challenge!  They have developed amazing friendships and have been such positive influences to the group!  I'm looking forward to phase 2 with these ladies!  I'll be updating you on their progress!

Do you want to be next?!  Take my next Challenge starting February 27th and get your body in shape for summertime!  There's no better time than now to make a change in your lifestyle that is going to change your life forever!

Want free personalized support like these women recieved?!  Go to my site and create a Free account and together we can set realistic and manageable goals for you!

If you are interested in the slim in 6 program that these ladies completed.  I would be happy to assist you in deciding if this program would help you reach your fitness goals.  Please create your free account and we can get your started!

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