Week 3 Review of Body Beast for Women

Well it's officially the end of week 3 and I started phase 2 of the Bulk today.  Today's workout was Bulk Chest!  Can you say wowza!!  As I type it hurts and it's a constant reminder that no matter how long I have been working out that there is always room for improvement and a way to push myself into the upper limits!  So bring it on baby!!  No pain no GAIN!!!

Before I start going into the new phase let me back up and give you the recap from last week!  I like to walk you through each week of my program, especially for those that are considering doing Beast.  This will give you a really good idea of what to expect with this program.

If you would consider yourself an advanced exerciser and someone who likes to lift weights then this would be a good program. 

Here is my workout schedule for the week:

Day 1:  Build Back/Bis
Day 2:  Beast Cardio and Abs
Day 3:  Build Shoulders
Day 4:  Rest
Day 5:  Build Chest/Tris
Day 6:  Build Legs
Day 7:  Build Back/Bis

Goal Booty- Gotta have something to work towards!

Beast legs still gets me every time!  Man that workout is a killer!  I sweat like no other and the box step ups leave me completely breathless.  It's a great booty workout and  I can feel it working with each rep!  Lot it but hate it all at the same time!!!

Those 5 am workouts are not always easy. There are 10 million other things that I would rather do each day!  The biggest one would be sleep.  Unfortunately I am the type of person that would sleep in and then be grumpy for the rest of the day because I didn't get my workout in.  Then, I would make excuses all day long why I now don't have time to do it!  Instead, my body has adjusted over time and now I can crush that 5 am workout, shower, eat breakfast and do a little check ins with my Challenge Groups all before my 2 beautiful babies open their eyes!  Then, I am all theirs.  I can do my MOM duties without distractions!  So what are you willing to sacrifice so that you can have the best of both worlds.  Body Confidence is important to me so sleeping an extra hour is the sacrifice!  So far I'm happy with that decision!
Rockin out some Beast Abs/Cardio

Core/Plank Death by Beast Abs

It may hurt now, but the pain is worth the gain!
Pinto Beans and Rice for lunch
So you see my Beast workouts but what exactly does a Beast Nutrition plan look like?!
Well I'm going to share with you my meal plan for this week.  That way you can get an idea of how often I eat, what I eat and the types of food that I pair together.  You always want to aim for a complex carbohydrate from fruit or veggies and a lean protein at each meal.  Aim to eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and drink at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day!  Stick to foods that are minimally processed.  Aim for foods that have ingredients that you could buy at the store and make yourself!  Your body does not know how to handle man made ingredients and will most likely store them as fat!

Remember that 80% of your results come from you nutrition!

Shamrock Shakeology Friday Night Snack!!
Best fuel for your body!  When you are doing intense lifting programs or even intense cardio you need to refuel your body.  If you don't get the proper nutrition you run the risk of jeopardizing your results.  So making sure that your meal plan has the right carbs, proteins and fats is going to be important.  I am aiming to eat 2,200 calories per day.  So a beefed up Shakeology with the works is going to be my ticket for clean fuel for muscle growth! 

Snack time, apple is the complex carb and pecans is the protein/good fat

This past weekend was super busy.  Friday night we spent the evening prepping and getting ready for my son's 4th Birthday party.  I had to teach a class on Saturday morning then our company was coming at noon.  Sunday was up and out the door to be at a bridal shower.  So there was not much down time.  I needed some me time so I dug into my workout and did a quick yoga session to reset my mind and body and create a calm start to my day!  I use my workout times to reflect on what I want to accomplish, what type of presence I want to create and what impact I want to have on those around me each day.  I always put my best foot forward even if I am not having the best day.  When I go at even the worst situations with a positive attitude most often things turn around on their own!

I encourage you to try it too! Start each day with a few deep breaths and a positive outlook on life!  Who can you positively impact today!  Be a creator of vision and not a crusher of dreams! 

Do you want to achieve your goals, get started on the right path to your health and fitness?  Join my next challenge group starting April 1st.  You will be coached by me through the fitness program that together we feel meets your needs the best.  I will teach you everything I know about clean eating, proper nutrition, exercise and lifestyle change!
No crash diet, just good clean eating!!!!


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