
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Slim Down challenge Group, Clean Eating, Exercise and Support to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

It's hard to believe that in 2 days it will officially be June 1st!  I mean whether you are ready or not it is summer!  Today is finally one of the first days that the weather is truly warm and the kids are ready to go to the pool.  Seriously, how can you look at those two beautiful faces and tell them that you can't go to the pool because you don't like the way that you look in a bathing suit?!?!  SELFISH YOU MIGHT SAY!  Although, you can't tell me that the thought hasn't run through your mind or that you haven't used another excuse to cover up for the real reason you won't go to the pool.  Your excuses might sound like this:

I have to clean the house
The laundry is overflowing
I need to run errands 
It's right in the middle of nap time
There is a chance of rain so maybe we should reschedule
Oh my all of a sudden my stomach hurts so bad, can we go to the pool another time?

It's not fair to yourself or to your kids to make excuses why you can't enjoy the simple pleasures of summer.  I am saying this to you because I was once that person who made excuses for going to the pool. Then, I would be at the pool with my arms crossed hiding my belly and analyzing every other person at the pool.  I validated my feelings by pointing out their flaws in my mind!  Seriously, IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME?  Do you do that too?

Enough is enough!  Right!!  You definitely don't have to starve yourself or do a juice diet or eat cabbage to lose weight and feel good about yourself.  I know that your summer is busy, you are traveling there are vacations and picnics and road trips and lots more.  Don't let that be another excuse to start later.  I will work around that.  I am excited to announce a special summer challenge group just for you!

On June 10th I am kicking off the Summer Slim Down Challenge.  My goal is to help you kick the excuses, end emotional eating, arm you with the tools to be successful and teach you how to make it a lifestyle and not a crash diet.  It's a kid tested and husband approved approach to weight loss and living a healthy and fulfilling life!  My mission is to set you up with a fitness program that is not too easy and not too hard but just right for your ability level. Then, I create a customized meal plan WITH you so that you can learn how to plan out your meals, prepare healthy snacks, give you recipes, tips, motivation and accountability to start and complete a fitness program!  I call it a CHALLENGE GROUP!!!  It's not a competition to see who can win or lose the most weight but yet it's an accountability group.  It's a place that you can feel safe, you can feel comfortable talking about your struggles and triumphs, where you won't be judged for making a mistake instead we encourage you and  celebrate all the victories along the way!

The group will begin on June 10th.  The requirements are that I am YOUR coach!  I will help you choose a fitness program to meet your needs plus you are required to replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the challenge.  The challenge is 60 days long!  Then, I will add you to the accountability group where we will set goals, track our progress, make your meal plan, teach you how to prepare healthy snacks, I will give you recipes and more!!  We will track our progress at the 30 and 60 day mark and make any changes at that time to the plan!

So yes, I'm sure you stopped at the Shakeology and said, heck no I don't do shakes or you said I don't want to be dependent on a shake to lose weight right! Well I was the exact same way.  Let me tell you I was so surprised at the difference Shakeology made in the way I felt!  Clearly I wasn't eating the recommended daily veggies or even getting enough of the vitamins and minerals from my foods that I was eating.  When I added in Shakeology (not a protein shake but a complete all natural meal) I stopped having cravings for sweets, I was making better choices vs the drive thru, I had energy naturally minus caffeine and I was truly pushing harder in my workouts because I was getting nutrition so my body could function properly!  No joke and I swear I'm not lying!!  It works!  (ok done with my soapbox, continue reading!!  LOL)

I can honestly say that the Challenge Groups changed my life!  As a mom I needed an outlet for support that I could do from my living room! This was a place that it didn't matter what I looked like, it didn't matter if I missed a step here or there, I didn't need fancy workout clothes!  I just needed me, myself and the TV!!!  The accountability group was my sounding board and MY COACH carried me through the tough times!!!!

Do you need that kind of support?  Do you continue to sign up for gym memberships, aerobics classes, weight watchers meetings and then fail to follow through?  Not this time!  It's different now!  You are READY and I am here to help you change!

It all starts with you COMMITTING to MAKE THE CHANGE!!!!

You have two choices!

1.  You can participate in a challenge group that focuses on the Clean Eating and replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology minus the workouts

or option 2

2.  You can participate in a challenge group that combines clean eating, Shakeology and the workouts!!

You choose what makes you feel the most comfortable!

Space is limited so when the group fills up then you will go on the waiting list for the following months group!

To join my challenge group contact me at to begin the process.  Or you can create a free account and have me as your coach and I will contact you!

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