
Thursday, August 29, 2013


Today my blog post is taking on a whole different beast.  I love talking about health and fitness but I also like sharing a little bit of our personal story with you as well!  2 years ago when I was invited to be a part of a Beachbody Challenge Group I had no idea what would come of it.
If you are reading this and maybe you are in a current challenge group of mine or maybe you aren't even a customer yet but you read my blog then you are ME 2 years ago.  I am a mom just sitting on my couch searching the internet for weight loss, diet, nutrition and CHEAP ways to get in shape.  As a family we made the decision for me to stay home with our 2 boys.  That meant tightening our spending to the necessities and being smart about our spending.  That was all fine and dandy until I wanted a new pair of shoes, jeans and wanted to get in shape and needed to get a gym membership!  Well that wasn't in the budget!!  This all led me to the point where I was sitting on the edge of my bed, maybe shedding a few tears because nothing would fit and honestly I didn't even want to go and buy clothes because I didn't like how I looked!

Day 1 Insanity Transformation
My Before Picture
This lead to the post on facebook about eating celery and peanut butter which led my now coach Nikki to invite me into a challenge group! That was the start of my transformation.  Insanity, P90X, Clean Eating, Shakeology, P90X2, Chalean Extreme, Turbofire, Brazil Butt Lift, Les Mills Pump, Ultimate Reset, Body Beast and T25!  30 lbs gone and in the best shape of my life!!!
After Picture
Current After Picture

It also led me to coaching!  I have a Masters Degree in Special Education and I have always felt compelled to help others.  So coaching was a perfect fit.  From the time I signed as a coach I always thought to myself how could I make it bigger and better!  I started with 1 person and that 1 person multiplied to many more.  It led to amazing transformations, coaches on my team that had the same vision I had for health and fitness and a team that was just as motivated and driven as I was.   I didn't become a coach to make money, I became a coach to help others.  But the more people I helped the more I was rewarded because of it!  The more I saw the possibilities.  The more my income grew!
Beachbody Coaching

The income started to grow steadily and over time it began to be significant.  Both my husband and I were blown away by the potential that was presenting itself in our lives.  I had created a Dream Board when I first started as a coach with the things that I would like to achieve!
My Dream Board where you can see I wanted to pay off my student loans

One thing that has been hanging over our heads was the realization that all we would be paying off my student loans from college until our son Landon went to college.  It was a huge chunk of change that was digging into our monthly income.  It was a goal of mine to pay off those loans so that we could free up some spending money!

InspirationLast night we were able to pay off the entire balance of my student loans in full because of the income I have earned in 2 years from Beachbody.  I was literally holding back tears of joy as I hit the submit button.  I know how important it is to my husband that we don't have any debt and to be able to do that for our family really hit home to me!  I am so excited that we can now take that money and put it into a fund for our two boys when they go to college.  Our goal is to be able to give them the flexibility to choose the school that they want to attend with no reservations!

How to be a successful beachbody coach

Not only have we been able to pay off a our debt but I am currently ranked the #3 coach in the entire network of coaches, I am in the running for the Top 10 Elite Adventure to Italy next year and I am a 10 Star, 12 Star Qualifying Coach and founder of the Dream Team. Wow a lot can happen in 2 short years.
Team Beachbody FInancial Rewards
I began the process of receiving the financial reward through Beachbody
I almost want to pinch myself and ask myself if this is really happening!  Did I just do that??  YES it is a reality!!!  It's all because of the grace of GOD, will power, determination and the refusal to give up, give in and quit when the road gets rocky!  It's about seeing the bigger picture and not always following the conventional road!  It's being unique, different, honest and trustworthy!  It's loving what you do and living with passion each and every day!  If you live your life with integrity you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams!  So Dream BIG and never lose sight of your dreams!!!

Have Faith in the future
Join the Dream TEAM and let me help you achieve your financial and fitness goals as well!

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