
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dana Point Leadership Retreat Recap

Last week I had the privilege of qualifying to attend the annual Team Beachbody Leadership Event at Dana Point California with 250 other leaders in the organization.  I have never been to California so this was a special trip for my husband and I.  Dana Point is an absolutely breath taking place! The view is amazing and the weather could not be any more perfect!  

We arrived on Wednesday afternoon and the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky!  

Let me just start by giving you a little background.  I did not even qualify for leadership last year. I missed the cut off by 2 weeks!!!!  I was a 1 star diamond coach who was just putting her head down and leading by example.  I was CRUSHED when I didn't qualify to be at the event.  It was on my goal board and I didn't get there!  At that point I had 2 options.  I could sulk, quit and throw a pity party or I could decide that from this point forward I was going to do whatever it took to get there!  I decided to view this NOT as a road block but as a CHALLENGE that I will overcome! I am not ruled by the fear of failure but instead of the hope that I will be brought success because of my hard work!  For the next 12 months I observed, worked diligently, stayed focused and dedicated and not only qualified as a 2 star coach but as a 12 Star Diamond ELITE coach who is now ranked #2 in the company!  So take that for not qualifying last year!!!!  That is the POWER of a determined MOMMA!!!
Now onto the trip:  
On our way to Leadership!!!
I was able to bring 1 guest and of course it is none other than my trusty side kick, the HUBSTER!!!!  I think he has more time hanging out with the guys than he does me!!!  

We had lunch with one of my awesome new coaches Julie Little and then headed out for a walk in the park over looking the ocean!  Gorgeous view!!!!
Walking in the park overlooking the Beach
A few of my favorite Beachbody Friends!!!!
The first night that we were there we had the Elite Reception!  This is when Beachbody brings in the Elite coaches a day before the event starts and treats them to dinner and entertainment!  The theme was Italy based with amazing food and wine!  

Thursday morning there was an Elite workout for the coaches that qualified for Elite last year!  Tony Horton did his new workout P90X3!!  I can honestly tell you that I haven't been able to walk normal for 3 days after that workout!!!  Killer!
It will be released December 10th!  It is 20 workouts that are all 30 minutes long (BINGO!!!!)  I like that Beachbody is finally catching on to the fact that we don't have time for an hour workout! I like the short, intense but effective strategy!
 The workouts are done on the lawn over looking the ocean in front of the hotel. You can't ask for a more awesome set up for a workout!  Then after the workout Beachbody provided us with breakfast!  But it is a Beachbody Coaches Dream Breakfast!  Egg whites, fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, and SHAKEOLOGY!!!!  Seriously I have died and gone to heaven!!!!
Picture with Tony!!!  X3 baby!!!

After our lovely workout we had the Elite Sneak Peak where we got the inside scoop on all the new and upcoming products and promotions!!!  I'm pretty stoked about The Shakeology Sampler Package, The 21 Day Fix Program and P90X3.  Lots of great new workouts and programs to meet everyone's needs coming down the pike!!!
Ready for the Elite Sneak Peak!!!  Totally didn't have time to shower! SHHHH!!
Thursday night was the welcome reception with the rest of the leaders out on the lawn.  
Hubby and I at the Welcome Reception
The Entire Team!!!

My awesome Star Diamond Coach Sara Stakeley!!!  -60+ lbs whoop whoop!
Every night we came back to the room to an amazing gift!
We absolutely miss our kids, but there is something nice about getting all dressed up and heading out to dinner and having some adult conversation!!  It is a much needed break from the daily to do's of a stay at home mom!!!
The girls just hanging out lookin pretty!!!!

Friday morning began the actual event!  We started with a Chalean Workout on Friday morning!  A little Piyo Strength (pilates, yoga type workout).
Workin out with my girl Nikki!!!  AM workout buddy!
Today I get the opportunity to present a program that I helped to pilot and develop called the Coach Basics program.  I call it the Coach Apprenticeship program!!!  I have been working with corporate since April to perfect and test out the group on my new coaches.  I have experienced tremendous success with the program and I have gone from a 2 Star Diamond Coach to a 12 Star Diamond Coach since I began running this program.  That means that my new coaches are getting started sooner, they are having success earlier and they are empowered, supported and mentored to reach their own personal business goals.  I had the opportunity to share how the Coach Basics program has benefitted my business and how I use a tracking system to help make sure my coaches are on the right track and we have an open dialogue each week to measure progress.
You can check out my 10 minute presentation below.

Friday night we had a free night so we did a nice dinner at a great seafood restaurant by the ocean.  I am not going to lie but I was in bed kind of early that night!  9:30 pm!  Call me old but we were really tired!!  Plus I was saving my energy for my Chalene workout in the am!!  Turbokick!!!
Live Turbo Kick Workout with Chalean Johnson, Dana Point California

After my workout it was back on stage for the Coach Basics Q&A session. Coaches could text in their questions about Coach Basics and we would answer their questions.  Great questions and lots of good insight!
Me explaining Coach Basics on the Big Screen

A few of my speaking buddies backstage before our go time!!
Coach Apprenticeship Program Training at Leadership
The Q&A panel Coach Basics

Coach Basics Presenter, Training Coaches on how to get your coaches started right
Action Shot!!!
Saturday afternoon is here!  My duties are done!  I filmed my section for Super Saturday and now it's time to chill!  I think a walk on the Beach with my babe is in order! We spent an hour just chatting, walking the shore and just talking about where life has taken us.
West Coast Walk on the Beach

Just 2 short VERY SHORT years ago I was sitting on the edge of my bed surrounded by clothes and wishing the weight would just fall off! Then I found Beachbody, Insanity, Shakeology, Clean Eating and Coaching!  No the road was not straight to success, there were trying times, my husband wanted me to quit but I refused to give up!  You know when you just feel that something is right, like deep down pit of your stomach RIGHT?!  That was the feeling that I had.  I knew that I had what it took to be successful!  I didn't know how successful or where this was going to take me but I just went with it!!  Now, 2 years later, paying off student loans, helping 12 other coaches hit Diamond and a handful more on the way this is just blowing my mind!
Top Beachbody Coaches and the CEO
Top 2 Beachbody Coach and Carl Daikeler
Good Friend are Hard to Come by!  Don't let them go!!!
Seay Stanford my GIRL and Shakeology Expert

I was talking to Matt last night about what determines my success?  I have to say 110% that what makes me happy is that I am HELPING OTHER PEOPLE SUCCEED!  Whether it's in their weight loss journey or as a Beachbody Coach I am really excited to see their success and know that I helped them get there!  Love the feeling that I have a positive influence in someone's life. That is what gets me up each day!  I love my job and the ability to be surrounded not by negativity but by positive, encouraging and fulfilling energy each and every day!!!  
With CEO Carl Daikeler at the County Fair Party
Thank you Beachbody for creating this opportunity!  I am eternally grateful!  Looking forward to many more years of fun!!!!
Does your Husband support your Beachbody Business
My biggest fan

Want to see exactly what the heck that I do on a daily basis???  Check out this short video about coaching!!!  Feel free to send me a message and I would love to chat with you!  I can answer all your questions!!!  It's a good time and I love love my team!!!!!  
Information on what a Beachbody Does

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