
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pumpkin Pie Shakeology

Pumpkin Pie Shakeology Recipe

Fall is in the air!!  Do you know what that means!  PUMPKIN FLAVORED EVERYTHING!!!
I can honestly say that I am in love with Pumpkin Spice Latte's.  They are the one thing that as soon as September 1st hits I crave!  But my body has become so used to eating healthy foods that when I do get a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte my body does not know how to handle it.  It usually turns into an awful afternoon of gut wrenching stomach pains.  Therefore I choose to re create the latte in my kitchen with foods that I truly love!  
Nope I'm not missing out on anything and honestly I feel so much better because of it!  So bring it on!!
What I'm getting in my Pumpkin Spice Latte:

Over 70 + super foods
My daily does of dense nutrition
The equivalent of 6 salads in one meal
The proper carb to protein ratio to keep my body fired up for at least 2 1/2 to 3 hours until my next meal.
It gives me sweetness so I don't crave bad foods.
It totally keeps me healthy!  Nope not sick 1x in 2 years.
Lastly, it's convenient.  When I'm rushing out the door with my kids, hitting the office or short on time.  Shakeology is super easy.  Less than 2 minutes and there is no drive thru temptation starring me in the face.

I do I really love my Shakeology.  It's not just a protein shake, it's an actual meal.  I know it's a little pricy.  But ask yourself this?  Can you put a price tag on your health? THink about it this way.  Each decision you make about your food or your life is just 1 small decision but they add up.  They compound on each other to over a life time determine things like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, chronic fatigue, stress and more.  30 years from now how do you envision your life?  Because the decisions you make today are going to impact the long term life you want to lead.

It may seem insignificant right now, but I can tell you that one day you are going to kick yourself for not making healthier choices!!

And now I'm totally done and off my soapbox.  I hope you enjoy this recipe and share it with those that you care about!

If you want to try Shakeology please contact me to discuss being involved in my 30 day Clean Eating and Shakeology Group on September 16th, 2013 to get the whole experience.  We aren't just changing one meal a day but your lifestyle and how you look at food!

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