
Monday, March 17, 2014

No Bake Shakeology Cookie Recipe

Sometimes you just want a cookie!  But personally I know that since I started clean eating it just doesn't agree with me anymore!

So here is my CONFESSION!  Yesterday was my son's 5th Birthday Party!
I seriously went into the day doing my workout, drinking my shakeology, eating super clean and mentally I was prepared not to eat the cake!  I am leaving in 5 days for a cruise with my husband that I earned from Beachbody.  I have been working so hard on my results that I didn't want to mess it up!  But the cake looked amazing and I really really wanted to taste it! So I gave in, ate the cake and ice cream and paid dearly for it the next day!  I realized that no longer do I feel deprived when I bypass cake and ice cream.  I feel empowered!!!  Truthfully I thought that the cake was going to make me feel better, that I would be satisfied.  But today I was irritable, short tempered and scatter brained.  I truly think it had to do with the fact that my body doesn't get sugar like that very often.

My Birthday Boy! The big 5

I was kicking myself for eating that cake!  I mean so badly that I came home and get this.... ate a donut and some animal crackers to!  Holy cow talk about piling it on! SUGAR IS ADDICTIVE, the more you eat the more you crave it!  

So today, I got up, did my double workout, drank my warm lemon water, packed my snacks and lunch and am back on track!  This is week 3 of Round 2 of the 21 day fix!  Double workouts and the 3 day quick fix this week!  I am going to own it!  You just watch and see, this is all mine!
21 Day Fix, Doubles, Upper Fix, Cardio, Results

I am not letting one little slip up define my worth, determine my progress or send me in a downward spiral of defeat!  Today was hard, the sugar monsters were here all day.  But water was my best friend, Shakeology twice, and green tea!  I would say its a successful recovery!

In the future, its recipes like the one below that will be my saving grace!  I love my clean cookies and cakes and that is what I am sticking with!

Shakeology no bake cookies, recipes

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