
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Week 6 Chalean Extreme Meal Plan and Progress Update

Transformation Tuesday, Before and After, Motivational Quotes, Melanie MItro
You know that phrase about waiting until the time is right to get started?  Can you imagine if you waited until the time was right?!?  Honestly, IS THERE EVER A RIGHT TIME TO START YOUR FITNESS OR HEALTH JOURNEY? There is always a wedding, a birthday, a vacation, trip, or event to go to!  I mean life is always going to be unpredictable and never routine.  Even when you have a long stretch of nothing in your calendar something is going to come up. A date night with your significant other to your favorite restaurant with the amazing pumpkin dessert. The glass of wine that you HAVE to drink after a very stressful day!  The cookies your kids made you with love that you can't refuse!  So seriously, there will never be perfect conditions.  If you continue to wait your life is going to pass you right by and you will always be fighting this vicious cycle of I'll start on Monday.  As I look back on the past 6 weeks I wonder where TIME WENT!  I can't believe I am half way through this program.  I've been on vacation, I've been sick, I've fallen off the wagon a little!  I've had wedding showers with really unhealthy food and donuts delivered to the house.  But here is the kicker.  I might of had a little more of what I should not of had, but I still worked out, I still drank my Shakeology every day and I still am making progress.  It might not be earth shattering but at least I am healthy, I am consistent and I'm doing my best and I'm doing it with balance and NO GUILT!  

I just want you to know that no matter what you have going on in life, don't wait! Start now, go with the flow and be OK with the fact that you can't always follow the program to the T.  That doesn't make you a failure. The only way you fail is if you QUIT!!!

So here I am on week 6, technically supposed to be week 7 but because of our trip to Arizona I just re did week 6 again!  

sweet treat fix, clean eating snack ideas
Clean Eating Snack Ideas
STRUGGLES---->  Sugar cravings have been at an all time high lately.  I've had to literally clear all sweets from my house and really focus on making good choices. This means I've had to do the Sunday plan and prep and have snacks readily available for those moments where I just cant take it anymore.  Today for example I ate lunch, it was delicious and then I was still hungry.  I was like ridiculously hungry that it was all I could think about.  So I busted out the unsalted brown rice cakes, peanut butter and a few dark chocolate chips to curb my hunger.  I am sipping some green tea which staves off hunger and I'm back in the game! Sometimes you have to adjust and go with the flow even if its not on the meal plan.

So this week I planned out recipes like the Shakeology No bake PB balls because it's a sweet treat to curb cravings.  I chose hearty meals like the black bean and quinoa enchilada bake because I can have that for lunches the next day to!  I really am focused on adding foods that are sweet into my meal plan so that I am not distracted by unhealthy options.

So here is my game plan for the week.  I'm going to start tracking on my fitnesspal again because I can see that the accountability will really help.

On the workout front I really have changed things up a bit.  Instead of taking Tuesday as my rest day I have been adding in extra cardio. So it's either T25 cardio or it's Insanity Max 30. That way I can give my body that extra cardio to burn a little more goo! :)   I've also been really diligent about increasing my weights so that by the 6th rep it is really hard.  Otherwise I know I won't get the exact results that I want to get!

So this week ask yourself what can you challenge yourself to do more of?!?!  I bet if you push a little harder and dig a little deeper you can come out with even better results.  Keep your goals front and center!  I've even gone so far as to put sticky notes on my mirror to remind myself to push harder, dig deeper and stay focused!  Even achieving my fitness goals I still have to remind myself not to get to far off track.

Motivational Quotes, Melanie MItro, chalean Extreme

Cardio day, Insanity Max 30, Melanie Mitro

Chalean Extreme Clean Eating Meal Plan
Push Circuit 1

I wish you all the very best of luck this week! Go out there and crush your health and fitness goals! I'm cheering you on from the sidelines!!!!

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