
Saturday, October 18, 2014

My 3 Day Refresh Results

Cleanses are not my favorite, but here it goes!

The results are in!  I did the 3 day refresh this past Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday because I was really just feeling a little bit BLAH.  We had a few birthday parties over the weekend with cake and ice cream, a few drinks and Mexican Food.  I just was pretty much feeling bloated and run down.  I felt like the 3 Day Refresh would be a great way to get back on track and to just start fresh.  More importantly I needed that little jump start.  

So what is the refresh?  The Refresh is a Team Beachbody Product that is meant to be a healthy alternative to cleanses that are on the market that really don't respect nutritional value.  For example, the juice cleanses out there really are not the best options for you.  The R&D team really was looking to create a product that gave nutrition that was safe and effective at helping you with rapid weight loss.  

What comes with the refresh kit?  With the basic refresh kit you get 3 shakeology packets, 3 packets of the fiber sweep, 6 packets of the vanilla refresh, a nutrition guide and program manual.  

How do you do the refresh?  You drink a Shakeology Shake for breakfast with a serving of fruit from the book.  You get to have the fiber sweep as your mid morning snack and water.  For lunch you have the vanilla refresh shake with a serving of veggies, fruit and a good fat.  Dinner is the vanilla fresh shake with a meal choice from the nutrition booklet.  You can drink green tea and water but avoid all processed foods, canned fruits and veggies, sweeteners and dairy.  You are truly cutting back to the basics to cut the bloating and help you lose weight. 
Refresh Snack time, Melanie Mitro, Meal Planning, refresh, Team Beachbody

The biggest question that people ask me is this... Am I going to be on the toilet for 3 days?  Nope not at all.  There was no surprises or out of the ordinary experiences.  The only thing you could possibly experience is a little fullness in your stomach or gas from the extra fiber if your body is not used to that.  This is normal and is totally ok.  That means the cleanse is working and doing its thing.  So just chug water and go with it!  It's very short lived if it happens to you at all.

So, after 3 days what were my results?  
I lost 4 pounds on the refresh.  I felt 100% better, no bloating or fullness, I had energy and my cravings were gone for sweets and on the 4th day I continued with my clean eating recipes and meal plan!  I worked out during the refresh with no issues at all.  But if you experience any dizziness definitely stop and rest.

The first day was pretty easy.  I was working in my office and I had a very busy day with calls.  So I didn't have time to think about the hunger pains.  I drank a ton of water, green tea and I was able to make it through the day without getting HANGRY!!!

Day 2 was a little harder.  We had a busy day of errands and preschool, Kindergarten and more.  I did pack my shakes and fiber sweep and shook them up in my shaker cup in the car!  I survived day 2 but I was definitely feeling HANGRY by the evening.  So my husband just sorta stayed away.

Day 3 was the icing on the cake.  I was still exercising and feeling good, I was just really ready to eat food again!  I needed some carbs and I wanted them stat!  But day 3 I made it through and I was totally ok! This is something I could totally do again!

How often can you do the refresh?  You can do it once a month if you would like.  It's save, effective and keeps you on the straight and narrow.

So, if you want guidance with the refresh and even more importantly you want something to keep you on track after you are done then join my 30 day clean eating and shakeology group on November 3rd to detox from halloween and to learn tools to help you make healthier choices, to handle the upcoming holiday temptations and to prioritize what you want to eat and what you want to splurge on!!!

The holidays are totally the easiest time to get sidetracked.  So join me and together we can keep it in check!  

3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro, Refresh Results, Team Beachbody

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