
Friday, October 24, 2014

Super Star Diamond Day at Team Beachbody Headquarters with Melanie Mitro

This week has been an absolute whirlwind of a week. I remember when I first started coaching watching these youtube videos of top coaches being interviewed by the CEO for this thing called Super Star Diamond Day.  I literally had no idea what they were talking about.  I remember being totally inspired by their stories, which I watched on my phone while the kids were taking a bath a few years ago.  We were living in our townhouse, I was only a few months into the business but I hung onto every word those super star diamonds said.  I studied the top coaches, I watched what they said, how they acted, how they approached their business and I set on my way to create my own unique style.  

I started my Beachbody business with 1 goal in mind.  That 1 goal was to help 1 person transform their lives through Beachbody as I had.  Then, 1 person turned into setting a goal to help 50 people transform their lives and eventually 500+.  From day 1 I coach because I love seeing other people achieve health and fitness results and I love that feeling of knowing I helped them get there.  One of the first personal development books that I read was Chalene Johnson's 30 Day Push, in that book she talks about setting a push goal.  A push goal is the 1 goal that if you achieve that goal it will help you to accomplish everything else on my list.  So 50 people it was!!!  That would help me to pay off my student loans, buy our first single family home, take our family on the Success Club Trip to Disney and more.  Not everything on that list happened right away but every single day I woke up with this driving force that I was meant to do something great with this business.  I am excited, passionate and totally 100% committed to my customers and also my coaches on my team.  

Because of that mindset I have been able to achieve the highest rank in the company, Super Star Diamond or 15 Star Diamond Coach.  That means that I have personally sponsored at least 15 lifetime diamond coaches who are growing a successful business.  I have been able to duplicate my own success within my organization.  This means that the success doesn't stop at me.  I am creating success, financial freedom, physical results and helping my coaches live out their dreams as well.

When you become a 15 Star Diamond Coach you earn a few things.  The biggest reward is the bonus that you earn.  Each quarter that you are a 15 Star Diamond Coach you earn a % of the companies earnings in a bonus which is pretty amazing!  You also earn a trip to LA where Beachbody headquarters is located to be pampered, celebrated and totally spoiled for 2 days.  

Beachbody flew us out first class to LA, we were picked up by a limo and Darin Ashby from corporate and taken to our hotel right on the ocean.  We stayed at the Casa Del Mar hotel and spa.  We had an ocean view room which was absolutely cozy and comfy.  
The view from the balcony of Casa Del Mar Hotel

We were welcomed to our room with a beautiful basket overflowing with Champagne, etched wine glasses, snacks, and toiletries for our trip.  
Casa Del Mar Hotel, Champagne, Team Beacbody, Elite, Super Star Diamond Day, Melanie Mitro

That evening we got dressed to head out to dinner at an amazing Italian Restaurant, Valentino's.  We piled into the limo and off we went to meet the Executive team.  Carl Dailkeler CEO, Jon Congdon Co Founder, and VP's Jeff Hill and Michael Neimand.  We had some amazing conversation that was just totally cool to hear where everyone had come from and what they had overcome to be in this spot right now.  It was super cool to hear Trina Grey tell her story of how she actually made -$5 in her second year one week.  She also never paid attention to her coach online office and just one day it struck her what the potential was.  Now look at her!  Pretty amazing stuff.

When we came back to the room there was a little present waiting on the bed.  His and hers lululemon jackets with Team Beachbody embroidered on it!  I thought I died and went to heaven!  The best gift ever!!!  

Super Star Diamond Coach, 15 Star Diamond, Team Beachbody, Mars, Pittsburgh PA, Melanie Mitro
The newest super star diamond coaches
Super Star Diamond Day, Team Beachbody, Top Coach, Melanie Mitro, Pittsburgh PA, Elite
Super Star Diamond Day Broadcasted live

The craziest feeling getting off an elevator and everyone is cheering for you!
Wednesday morning we were on our way to corporate for the celebration, our 1:1 interviews with Carl and to have lunch with the office staff.  I can't even describe the feeling when we pulled up to the office and the camera crew was there waiting for us to get out of the limo.  We went to the elevators and headed upstairs.  As the doors to the elevator opened people began screaming, cheering and clapping for us.  There were balloons, flowers, our own personalized directors chairs, our pictures, awards and more.  I felt like a true super star in that moment.  It makes all that hard work, sometimes late nights and early mornings worth it because you know you are making a difference.  Each one of us had 30 seconds to say something and during that time I just really wanted people to know that it doesn't matter where you start, what matters is the choices you make along the way.  You can either make the decision to succeed or you can make the decision not to!  You can do anything, I mean anything you put your mind to if you want it bad enough.  Did I set out to be a super star diamond?  Nope, what I set out to do was help as many of my coaches be successful as I could and that in turn developed into this amazing accomplishment.  

Corporate Headquarters, Super Star Diamonds and Executive Team
My 30 second speech!

Panoramic view of how amazing the entire event was

My directors chair- So pumped for this

Exclusive Interview with Carl CEO of Beachbody

My main squeeze at Ivy on the Shore in LA

Casa Del Mar hotel on the ocean

They mention in the speech that only 23 people out of 220,000 coaches have ever achieved Super Star Diamond Status..... 23!!!!  That is hard to believe. I wish that each one of my coaches could of been there at that moment.  I would not be where I am right now if it wasn't for them! They are the reason for my success, they are my family and their hard work, their commitment, their dedication and their trust in the process has gotten them to this place.  I love my team and I am so thankful for the amazing people in my life.  

Here is the entire live feed of the event!  You can fast forward to around the 7 minute mark when we enter:

I want more of my coaches to experience Super Star Status but more importantly I want my coaches to be happy.  I want them to fulfill their dreams, to live life to the fullest, to wake up every single day and just feel like they are exactly where they are supposed to be right now!  If I can create more of that, I have done my job!  
As I walked down to the filming room to get set up for my interview I was awstruck at how much attention to detail and thought went into this day.  A little hair and makeup and I was on my way to my interview!  I had the chance to sit and chat with Carl about my business and we made a pretty cool youtube video for you all to see! It will be released soon!  So check back later.

After the filming we mingled with the executives, got chair massages and had lunch together.  There was 1 thing as we sat around the table that stuck out to me.  Jeff Hill was talking about how he truly loves this company and its a company that his family is proud to say they are a part of!  This is exactly where I belong! This kind of integrity and personality doesn't just happen by chance. I know without a shadow of a doubt that there are many more years to come with this awesome company.

After lunch we headed back to the hotel for our spa treatments. Matt got a massage and I had a facial.  Seriously the best facial I have ever had!  We took a walk down the beach to the Santa Monica Pier, snapped a few pictures and headed back to get dressed for dinner.  
Dinner last night was at Ivy on the Shore which is supposedly one of the celebrity hangouts.  We had our own private room lit by candles and decorated with fresh flowers.  The food was absolutely delightful and their signature drink strawberry basil mojitos.  We could of stayed their all night chatting up a storm!  Seriously an awesome group of ELITE WOMEN!  
We came back to the room to an awesome Ogio suitcase that is embroidered with the Team Beachbody logo to take home all of our amazing gifts along the way.  
Lululemon Jacket, Ogio Suitcase and personalized roses for our gifts!

Today we took one last stroll down to the 3rd street promenade to get the boys something from our trip and now we are on our way home.  

Looking back over this week I realize how truly blessed I am.  Never for one single minute do I take for granted the coaches on my team, the customers in my challenge groups and the support that we get!  I am thankful for the opportunity and humbled by their generosity.  The one thing that I have been thinking a lot about is, what's next?!  I mean, I've achieved the highest rank in the company so where do you go from here?  I know where.... 

My goal is to help my team achieve THEIR goals by continuing to improve my processes as a leader to identify the needs of my team and create an action plan to address those needs.  My goal is to get to know my coaches and continue to provide quality support and mentorship to the dream team.  I want each coach to know that they signed up with a coach that is always going to be there for them. Through good times and bad times we are in this for the long haul.  This is my passion and career and I am committed to my coaches success!  Success doesn't have to be a rank or an income level, success is defined by each coach based on their own personal wants and needs.  That is the beauty of what we do, it's your business I just get to add a little color!  

I hope if you aren't a coach and are reading this you decide to ask for more information on how you can be mentored and trained by the #1 team in the company to reach your fullest potential!!!  I will be kicking off a brand new coach apprenticeship program on November 3rd to a limited number of people!  So ask now to get started!!!  Remember the time will never be perfect!  

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