
Monday, November 3, 2014

Insanity Max 30 Test Group

So I feel super bad that I haven't really posted on my blog last week!  But it certainly wasn't because I wasn't busy!  I actually have some super exciting news!  Last week I received a call from Santa Monica California and it was corporate asking me if I would be interested in participating in a test group for the not yet released Shaun T program, Insanity Max 30.  {INSERT EXCITED SCREAM AND JUMPING UP AND DOWN}.  Of course I will be in this test group!  I started my fitness journey with Insanity 3 1/2 years ago and I would like nothing more than to max out with Shaun T for the next 60 days!  So, I agreed to participate in the test group! The next day my release was in my inbox and the next day a FEDEX truck arrived at my house with my copy of the fitness program not even in print yet!!!!  
The package has arrived
So the exciting part is that I am part of an exclusive group of coaches who get to test it out and get the best results possible before it's released. The bad part is that I can't spill all the beans!  Its an extremely confidential test group.  I can't share my meal plans, food, or the workouts with you!  So you will get to watch my progress but you really aren't going to be able to see the meals or workouts!  But I definitely will be giving a weekly update of what I think and how I'm doing with the workouts.  Follow me on facebook and Instagram for daily updates!

Yesterday I woke up sat down at the table with the nutrition guide, my meal plan and got to work!  It took me a little while to figure out what I wanted to eat but once I got the plan down it was good to go!  Grocery list was made, and hubby helped by prepping some lean protein, sweet potatoes and salads!  We are ready for day 1 on the food end!

Now the dreaded before pictures!  Seriously, I honestly thought I was in really really good shape until I took those pictures.  Yeah, I was a little more lax with my nutrition lately but I was still exercising and drinking shakeology!  It just goes to show that 80% of your results really does come from the foods that you eat.  So taking those pictures was a really really humbling experience.  I didn't realize I had gained that much weight around my middle section. It didn't discourage me, it just fueled my competitive fire to have the very best results possible.  

The other thing I should point out is that I never take pictures in a sports bra and shorts so that was super hard to do!  I feel extremely vulnerable at this point. The fact that I had to send them off to the Test Group team scares the daylights out of me!!!!  But, here is to leading by example and if I'm going to ask my challengers to do this stuff then I have to be right along side of them doing the same thing!  

So this morning the alarm went off at 5:00 am and Matt was up with me to do day 1.  The goal with Insanity MAX30 is to go at the highest intensity that you can until you MAX out.  Which means you have to take a break.  Matt and I made it through day 1, we didn't die but we were sweating something ridiculous and our legs feel like jello!  But we did it!!!!!  

Before Insanity Max30 Day 1

After Insanity Max30 day 1----- SWEAT BEATY
WE crushed it!!  Now to crush the nutrition plan for the day!

1 day down, 59 days to go!!!  

Follow my journey on Instagram and facebook 

If you want to be one of the first to know about Insanity Max 30's release in December  (BEFORE CHRISTMAS) or you would like to be in my very first group that I run make sure to fill out the application below to be added to the Facebook group and the list!!!

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