
Monday, December 29, 2014

Insanity Max 30 Final 60 Day Results

Insanity Max 30 Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Results, Transformation Story, Before and After Pictures, Shaun T, Nutrition, Meal Plan

Well, we made it!!!  We officially finished 60 days of Insanity Max 30!!!!!  It's hard to believe that these 60 days are over already. Truthfully I thought it was going to be extremely painful to go through not 1 but 2 holidays while on this program.  Thanksgiving wasn't as hard as I expected and Christmas was a little more challenging but I made it through.  I truly believe that it was the group that I was a part of that made all the difference in the world.  If it wasn't for the other coaches in the test group posting their accountability pictures, their ab checks, their struggles and triumphs I would of had a few extra cookies and drinks this holiday season! So thank you to the Max 30 test group for keeping me on the straight and narrow.  I've developed some great friendships through this process as well!  I look forward to doing round 2 with many of them as well.

Now the things that I feared the most have set me free! The fears I have about my body image are really coming full throttle and I'm embracing my body just as it is! GEESH, did it really have to take me 3 1/2 years to get there! Well, I say it all the time! This is a process, and that is exactly what it is!  EMBRACE it and go!

Insanity Max 30 Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Results, Transformation Story, Before and After Pictures, Shaun T, Nutrition, Meal Plan

I will be quite honest, I really didn't think that Matt would actually make it to the end of the program.  I'm really really proud of him for sticking it out for the entire 60 days.  While he definitely did not follow the nutrition plan the last 2 weeks he at least showed up every day to workout together.  He without a shadow of a doubt pushed himself with the workouts and has seen some major improvements in his strength.  Unfortunately his inches and lbs lost really haven't changed much and he sorta kinda refused to let me take after pictures.  He really vowed to start round 2 and to do follow the nutrition plan this time to get the best results possible.

No matter what his results were I truly enjoyed working out together, our little random funny workout pictures each day and the crazy jokes he cracks while we are working out.

I'm really excited to actually do another round together! So the fun will totally continue and hopefully this round I can help Matt nail down the nutrition and he can have some really great results to share.

So, this leads me to my results:  In 60 days of Max 30 I have officially lost 9 lbs and 13.25 inches from my body.  Surprisingly, I lost quite a bit from my thighs which I wasn't expecting.  My muffin top which is the most stubborn part of my body is finally, FINALLY gone!!!!  If I am to gain weight it immediately goes to my stomach. So I was floored when it started to disappear.  I can feel my abs... I mean I actually have abs after having 2 kids, ITS CRAZY!  I have arm muscle and leg muscle that wasn't there before and my clothes definitely fit better with a little more room to spare.  You know how much I hate to share pictures of my stomach but thanks to your support and your positive feedback it has become much easier.  I still feel reserved about this part of my body and most likely I will never wear a bikini but the confidence in my skin is truly what its all about!  I'm totally cool with it!  
Insanity Max 30 Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Results, Transformation Story, Before and After Pictures, Shaun T, Nutrition, Meal Plan

The biggest accomplishment for myself was the nutrition plan.  While it wasn't perfect, I had a piece of pie, a couple Christmas cookies and a few drinks along the way I can say that I stuck to it pretty darn close!  Because of that commitment I can say that my results were better than expected! I really used the portion controlled containers every single day.  I always measured out my food, I tracked my progress with the tracking sheets that Beachbody gave us and I had to exercise will power when the late night munchies came into play.  But I kept envisioning the way I wanted my body to look after the program was done and no matter what I did my best not to eat at least 3 hours before bed.

If I wanted a snack after dinner I stuck to low carb, natural sugar plain protein powder shake with water.  Sometimes if I had an extra spoon I would put in some Peanut butter.  That tended to do the trick for me.  

Overall I am very very very pleased with my results. 
Anything worth having is worth fighting for and I definitely had to exercise will power.  I had to get inside my own head and push myself to the max with the workouts. When I could feel myself slacking I would pick it up and dig down deeper, squat more, 1 more push up on my toes, engage my core and treat each workout as if it was the Superbowl.  It's totally a mental game, if you believe that you can do it... YOU WILL DO IT! If you believe you can't, then you won't!  

It's just that simple!!!!  Are you gonna do it???  Decide, Commit, Succeed!!!

Insanity Max 30 Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Results, Transformation Story, Before and After Pictures, Shaun T, Nutrition, Meal Plan

Chest 1.25 lost
Waist 2 in lost
Hips 1.25 in lost
Left Thigh 3.5 in lost
Right Thigh 3.5 in lost
Left Arm .75 in lost
Right Arm 1 in lost

Total:  13.25 in lost
9 lbs lost
Insanity Max30 Graduate, Transformation Pictures
Insanity Max 30 Graduate
Insanity Max 30 Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Results, Transformation Story, Before and After Pictures, Shaun T, Nutrition, Meal Plan
I can't wait to do round 2 with this goofy guy!

If you have the will to want to change you will find the will to change it.  Every day you show up no matter how bad you do or even if your Max out time is worse than last week you keep pushing play.  You challenge your inner demons and you make this program not just about the physical transformation but about the mental game as well!  Build a lifestyle of health and fitness with me and my next challenge group!  

I'll help you succeed every step of the way! 24/7 WHATEVER IT TAKES!!!

PS----->  Insanity Max 30 Challenge Pack is only on sale until the 31st at midnight!  Message me for the details today!

1 comment:

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