
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Insanity Max30 Is Here, Get It Now

Insanity Max30, Available Now, Insanity Max 30 images, Melanie Mitro

Well I am pretty sure that today is almost better than Christmas Morning!  I feel like I have been somewhat teasing you with all of my daily posts about Insanity Max30 and how awesome it is and the results I have been getting and now you get to experience it for yourself!!!  Today is the official launch date and you can now purchase Insanity Max 30 from me as your coach! I have the group up and running, people have already committed to starting together with our plan and prep week {meal planning, recipes, tips, motivation and more} and then we start working out shortly after that!  We are in this together, I will be sending you daily videos and tips to help you start and complete the workout with success! We will talk holiday accountability and support.  Heck I just made it thru Thanksgiving and didn't do to shabby!  I can totally coach you through Christmas and New Years and teach you how to have balance! The results are inevitable if you commit to the program, nutrition plan and the group!
Max30 Challenge Pack, Max30 Get It Now, Melanie Mitro, Max30 Results, Test Group , Accountability Meal Plan

30 days into max 30 and I have more endurance, more strength, arm definition, a little bit of ab peaking through and a really amazing progress update!  {that will be tomorrow's post}  But here is the bottom line!  You can totally get this program and do it by yourself, but there is a who new level of accountability and fun when you do it as a group!  There is no additional charge to be a part of my accountability group! As long as I am  your coach and you do place your order through me then its perfect!!!  

Insanity max30, Now available, Maxout, Shaun T, Images, Melanie Mitro
Insanity Max 30 Is Here

How is this workout different from Insanity?
-Well it has 100+ new moves, which I got to experience a few this morning!  Holy batman, chair plyo jumps!  Shaun T what were you thinking!!!!
-It's a 5 day a week program, 3o minute workouts with a combination of strength and cardio tabata style workouts.  It maximizes core, arm strength, endurance and inner strength!  Seriously an amazing addition to my Shaun T workouts!  Totally different than Insanity!

What is Maxing Out?

Insanity max30, Now available, Maxout, Shaun T, Images, Melanie Mitro

Who is this program for?
-Anyone who truly has the mentality of going all in and maxing out.  You don't have to be perfect and trust me you totally won't be!  But you have to be willing to try.  There are great modifications to follow, so you do not have to do high impact and you can switch between modified and full tilt.  You go at your own pace and your goal is to beat your time from the day before!  As long as you never stop showing up then you are a success story!

To read more about Insanity Max 30 read here....
Insanity Max30 details and explanation of program

Is it harder than Insanity?
No and yes.  I believe it's different!  I've done both Insanity and now Max30 and it's different. The mentality is different.  You are not pacing yourself with Insanity.  You are maxing out!  It's different moves, so your body is breaking plateaus, it's crushing limits and your increasing cardio endurance which boosts your metabolism too!

What if I don't like cardio?  I'm a gym rat?!
Well honestly I don't like cardio either!  I am the type that gets bored easily with traditional cardio!  So I find myself going more towards strength training.  BUT!!!!!  YES this workout does not get boring, you switch it up every workout and it is a great way to maximize results When you build muscle and do cardio you get lean and toned at the same time!  

If your a gym rat, then you can add in Max30 to your routine on your cardio days!  It will take your cardio and shred it!!!!  
Insanity max30, Now available, Maxout, Shaun T, Images, Melanie Mitro

I'm afraid?
Just think about it like this! It's just like starting anything new, its the fear of the unknown, it's the fear of failure and what ifs.  But trust me, if you live in fear and you never try, then how will you ever know if you will succeed!  I have failed so many times in life but each time I make a mistake I look at it as an opportunity to do it differently next time!  Plus you have this amazing support system and team to walk you through and keep you on the right track! You only fail if you let yourself!

Alright!!! Are you in? Are you ready to go?!
There are only a few spots left! We start December 8th!  I want you to max out with me!

Start here:  If I am not already your coach please create a Free Team Beachbody Account so that I am your coach here!

What's included in the package?  The entire 60 day program, Month 1 and Month 2, Max Out Calendar, Nutrition Guide, Program Manual, Restaurant Guide, Shakeology, Free shipping and a discounted price when you get it through me as a coach!  Plus when you order through me you get a FREE GIFT!  A special workout called SWEAT FEST!!!  {special for you only}
Sale Price, Insanity Max30, Get It Now, Melanie Mitro, Nutrition, Support, Accountability and Success

Insanity Max30 is here, Melanie MItro, order now, Team Beachbody Coach, Test Group, Support Accountability


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