
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 7 Insanity Max30 Progress Update

I can't believe that it has been 7 weeks since Matt and I started the Insanity Max30 Coach Test Group.  When we started I kept thinking that 8 weeks was going to be forever especially with the holidays in there!!!!!  Surprisingly it has flown by!!  There have been many many temptations in the past 7 weeks, a handful of bad choices, and some moments where I was so sore that I couldn't sit down on my chair!  I have learned so much about my body, my nutrition and my will power from this workout. I don't want to give you my full review this week because I want to save that for next week when we are done but I will say this.  

This program has changed my life in so many ways. I realized that my will power is strong when I am motivated by a challenge.  Being a part of this test group has been key to my success because I am pretty competitive and I don't want to fail.  I am much more likely to stick to a nutrition plan and workout when I am accountable to it.  I really can get inside my own head and challenge myself to sink down a little lower into the squat, to push myself a little harder and to stop slacking when start to half ass it.  Do you do that with yourself?  Do you give up to easily?  Do you get discouraged easily?  I know that this workout is a challenge, I mean after all progress happens in the moments where you are so uncomfortable you don't think you can go on!  Shaun T does that for a very specific reason.  

So week 7 was definitely a hard week for Matt and I.  #1 I have a head cold and I feel like my head is going to pop off and I've pretty much had a headache all week long.  But I still got up, took my E&E and pushed play at 5 am because I knew that later in the day I could take it easy and also I didn't want to miss the workout.  I doubled up on Shakeology to boost my body with vitamins, I took zinc drops and vitamin C and I am definitely on the upswing now!  I didn't miss a workout!  
Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro
I'm ready to rock week 7- Matt is another story!  That boy needs a haircut!

Landon has also been sick this week which means he is up multiple times at night also. That means that both Matt and I aren't getting good sleep!  So we are pushing through but the tired monitor is definitely up higher than usual.
Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro
Ready to incinerate my legs, arms and abs!!!
Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro

Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro
Friday FIGHT- AKA Death by Shaun T!!  The sweat is real, the intensity is off the charts, but it builds character strength and results!
Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro, flex friday, Friday Fight
How is that for results!!!  YES PLEASE, Leaning out!!!!

As for the workouts, we are getting stronger, we are doing less modified moves but still it brings us to our knees in a puddle of sweat.  I push myself with each workout but I still rarely make it to the 15 minute mark before maxing out. The reason for that is this, when I feel myself getting stronger I just push harder at the beginning so I am still maxing out much earlier.  That's the ticket, max out early because you are working so hard that you can't go on!  

Don't turn off the DVD player until that 30 minute workout is over, don't stop after you Max out the first time, keep going no matter how much of a shit show that it is!!! That is progress!  Don't let the max out time defeat you, even if your Max out time was better the week before.  It's a process..... trust it!  

Lets talk food! 
Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro, Refeeding, Low Carb Protein Powder
This is how I keep the late night munchies at bay, tip eat 3 hours before bed for best results
 So what changes am I making this week?  Well I know I still have Shakeology as my evening snack but this week I decided to keep it at just 1 shakeology per day and then start drinking 1 low carb, all natural, no fake sugar, protein powder.  So I chose the wheyabolic protein powder in vanilla. I mix that with ice, water, & cinnamon and blend for an evening treat.  I also became very mindful to have my last meal 3 hours before I go to bed. The reason being is that I am really trying to make sure when I go to bed my body is rebuilding and burning fat instead of burning off any carbs or sugars that I ate before bed.  So my advice is to avoid carbs and fruits before bed!  Your body burns that instead of the fat.  

Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro, water Quota
My water tips
My second focus has really been on drinking plenty of water!!!  I was definitely starting to slack in this department. So I have been filling up a 2 liter pitcher every day with some strawberries in the bottom for flavor.  It sits on my desk and each day I focus on drinking the entire thing! That keeps me hydrated, my hunger at bay, and my body healthy!

What did I not do so well with this week?  Well I did have 2 slices of Matt's Cinnamon Raisin French Toast on Thursday night, no syrup but I did have it.  It totally curbed my sweet craving and was worth it.  I will call it refeeding!  
Even though it wasn't really true refeeding it will work!  

Friday night we did eat Chipotle and I got the burrito bowl with no sour cream, cheese and 1/2 guacamole and 1/2 rice & beans, chicken and lots of veggies! Definitely not the best option either but I did really well at eating portion size and throwing the rest away.
Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro, Motivation, wake up
No slacking!!!!  Its time to workout!

Saturday we went to the mall, had a basketball game and had my parents over!  So not a lot of time at home.  I worked out in the morning, had my shake for breakfast, nuts and berries for a snack, apple and almond butter around 1 pm and then a grilled chicken breast off of a chick fil a sandwich for my lunch.  Dinner was a nice little taco bar my hubby made with ground turkey and fresh veggies!!  I finished my day off with a vanilla protein shake and a cup of peppermint tea!  So WIN WIN for our Saturday!  Do you know how many sweet smells fill up the mall?!?!?!  But I didn't cave to the chocolate popcorn!!!   It's all about remaining focused on your goals.

Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro
Insanity Max 30 Nutrition Plan for Week 7, Keep it simple!

Week 7 Insanity Max 30, Women's Progress update, Results, Transformation, Meal Plan, Max30, Max out, Melanie Mitro, Beast Meatloaf, Max 30 Recipes
Beast Meatloaf equals 1 red for dinner

So for the last week here is the game plan!  It's week 8 and of course it should be Christmas on our last week!
I am planning to workout every morning at my typical 5 am especially Christmas morning because I know my kids will be up early, there will be no other time to get my workout in!  I am going to literally stick to the meal plan, take my food with me to my in laws on Christmas day and pack my snacks and drink lots of water.  If I am not sure if there will be healthy options I will either ask or not assume and just bring my own!  BOOM!  Done, no temptation, no guilt and of course I never think of it as I am depriving myself, I look at it as treating myself with respect.  I don't want to have a stomach ache, feel drowsy or bloated and I certainly love the way my body feels, so that's my reward!  It's all about your perspective and changing that so that you look at it in a positive light.

Take some time today to get your holiday game plan together!


  1. Hi! Why did you stop drinking shakeology in the evening and replaced it with a protein powder? I ask because since starting max 30 I've had shakeology in the evening.

    1. Sandra I wanted to decrease my daily carb intake so I still have my shakeology for breakfast but I didn't want another carb that late in the day so I opted for a low carb protein powder that was made from natural sugar. Shakeology is not a protein shake but a meal replacement so I still have it for my breakfast but I have a snack which is protein powder at night
      You can still do 2 shakes a day. That's not a problem, but for me specifically I am in the last week and I'm leaning out so I am cutting certain things out for the muscle definition.

  2. Thanks Melanie! That totally makes sense.

  3. Hi Melanie! Love your blog! I enjoy my shake usually around 3( afternoon snack) because that's usually when I want to snack before my workout!! Do you this that will still encourage good results? Also do you have anymore meal plans?? I just started Max 30 and I am trying to get the best result I can!! Thank you so much!
