
Sunday, March 1, 2015

How To Cut Cream and Sugar In Your Coffee

Happy Sunday!  I hope you are all staying warm and snuggly on this Sunday morning!  It's cold outside and its snowing in Western PA once again.  But it's an opportunity for us as a family to snuggle up, watch some cartoons, and be a family!  I really use Sunday's as not only my rest and recharge day but as a way for me to get ready for the busy week ahead.  

I am prepping my food for the week and getting my laundry done and the kids ready for school tomorrow!

So today's post is all about coffee!  I mean honestly my favorite part of my day is having my morning cup of coffee!  I truly used to be addicted to sugar and creamer.  Coffee wasn't good unless I had 3 TBSP of sugar and 1/3 creamer!  Holy moly, the minute I dropped those 2 things I swear I lost 5 lbs!  TRUE STATEMENT!  But it was hard. Going from my creamy rich, sweet coffee to black coffee was an adjustment.  One that I really gave the stiff arm for quite some time on.  I mean I cut everything out of my diet except that when I was transitioning to clean eating.  But as I got closer and closer to my goal I was stuck and yes it was these little things that were adding up!  So I cut the cream and sugar and went for the flavored K-cups!  I love love love mocha coconut and the pumpkin spice.  

I was also a Starbucks Latte addict too!  At least a few times a week it was a carmel latte or pumpkin spice latte!  But truth be told when I researched what was really in those drinks it was enough for me to cut it too.  That doesn't mean I still don't crave them every now and again.  I searched for an alternative and this honestly was the best one so far!

We all need a few servings of good fat each day that come from extra virgin olive oil, natural peanut butter or coconut oil to name a few.  So why not mix coffee and coconut oil together! SURE THING!

I first saw this recipe from Jenelle Summers Super Star Diamond Coach and I thought it looked cool but never tried it! Then Katy Ursta raved about it and I thought umm I should try that, but I never did!  So this past week I needed an extra serving of good fat so I gave it a go!

Truth be told.... it's amazing!  It tastes great, its rich and creamy and it has none of the crap that any store bought bistro drink would have!
Coconut Oil, Coffee, Blender, Creamer, Clean Eating, Melanie Mitro

So here is how you make it:

1 cup of coffee freshly brewed.  I used a mocha coconut K-cup.

Sunday, Lazy, Coffee, Snuggles, Coconut Oil, Mocha Coconut K-cups, Coffee Creamer, Clean Eating, Eat clean

Sunday, Lazy, Coffee, Snuggles, Coconut Oil, Mocha Coconut K-cups, Coffee Creamer, Clean Eating, Eat clean

Sunday, Lazy, Coffee, Snuggles, Coconut Oil, Mocha Coconut K-cups, Coffee Creamer, Clean Eating, Eat clean, butter extract

Sunday, Lazy, Coffee, Snuggles, Coconut Oil, Mocha Coconut K-cups, Coffee Creamer, Clean Eating, Eat clean

1 tsp of coconut oil
1 tsp of vanilla or butter extract
optional you can add in cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.

Then literally put it in the blender and blend it all up! It becomes frothy and creamy.  I drank it right away and it was amazing!  

I dare you to give it a try!!  I bet you will like it!!!!


  1. Thank you for the great idea! I'm not a big fan of plain, black coffee. However, it's difficult to find added flavor that isn't full of sugar and other things we shouldn't be consuming! Happy Sunday and stay warm!

  2. The oil trick does work! Can u tell me the brand of kcup u use? Ive never seen mocha coconut!

    1. I found coconut mocha K-Cups by Donut Shop. I bought some at Target today.
