
Friday, March 20, 2015

I Want To Try Shakeology But The Price Scares Me & What If I Don't Like It??

Shakeology Super Sampler, Try Shakeology, Sample, Trial of Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Clean Eating, 7 day clean eating and shakeology group

Good morning and happy Friday friends!!!  I hope you are having a great week!  I started my countdown to Cancun this week which basically means I am "GAME FACE" on for the next 30 days preparing to hit the beach in Cancun with 2,000+ Beachbody Coaches and about 80 Dream Team Coaches and their families.  So that is my MOTIVATION to get in some kick butt shape!  I am totally focused on Insanity Max30 this week.  I'm drinking Shakeology for breakfast, I'm tracking my food and following the 21 Day Fix Extreme Countdown to Competition plan and I am in the ZONE!  But, you might be reading this saying, "I NEED TO GET IN THE ZONE" BUT I JUST CAN'T FIND MY MOTIVATION!!!

That is what I am here for! My job is to help you find your inner strength, teach you how to be strong and teach you the basics of healthy choices!  Thats truly my passion because it was the #1 thing that helped me to change my mindset about food.  I definitely lived in the era of fat free and low fat are the way to go! Calorie counting was of utmost importance and the scale drove my emotions on a daily basis.  Unfortunately it was NOT going well for me!  I wasn't losing weight, my energy level was low and I was starving which if you know me, then you know I get very "HANGRY" and that is NOT a pretty sight!  

When I found clean eating I realized there was another way to live- a way to eat, have energy, to feel full, to enjoy good tasting food and to lose weight!  It almost sounds like it is to good to be true!  There are definitely days that I am more hungry than others but for the most part I feel great!  I have lost 30 lbs with regular exercise, clean eating and replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology!  So my mission for the past 4 years has been to teach others my tips and tricks to successful lifestyle change.  
Shakeology Super Sampler, Try Shakeology, Sample, Trial of Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Clean Eating, 7 day clean eating and shakeology group
Shakeology Testimonials

What has Shakeology done for me:
  •   Personally it was that 1 meal a day that I didn't have to think about! It's hard enough to change your eating habits and it takes a lot of brain power to plan it out. This takes the guess work out of 1 meal each day!  
  • Also I started noticing within the first week that I had more energy, I didn't want to take a nap every afternoon like before.

  • It kept me full for 2 1/2 to 3 hours!
  • It actually tastes really good
  • I found that I wasn't sick as often as before, which I attribute to the boost of nutrients and vitamins that my body was lacking previously.
  • It helped to curb my sweet tooth and kept me on track with my goals.
  • It was just downright convenient!  
For other people that I have worked with here are some of the things they have said:
  • Since starting Shakeology I am off all cholesterol medicine.  
  • I have stronger nails and hair.
  • My complexion has improved
  • I have more energy and I am healthier
  • I save money because I no longer eat out!  

Shakeology Super Sampler, Try Shakeology, Sample, Trial of Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Clean Eating, 7 day clean eating and shakeology group

I run 30 day clean eating and Shakeology groups, I run 60 day support and accountability groups and 21 day fix groups for the most part!  But I'm going to try something a little different!  There are a lot of people out there, JUST LIKE ME, who were skeptical of Shakeology!  I honestly had never even drank a protein shake let alone a meal replacement shake before.  I didn't want to rely on a shake to lose weight and I was afraid of the cost! What if I didn't like it, what if  invested in a month supply of shakeology and it didn't work!  
Shakeology Super Sampler, Try Shakeology, Sample, Trial of Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Clean Eating, 7 day clean eating and shakeology group

Well the cool part is that Beachbody just came out with this new super sampler pack!  It's 6 packets of shakeology in every flavor for you to try!  So what I am going to do is host a 7 day clean eating and shakeology group to help you get the maximum benefit.

So---- how does this work!  I must be your assigned coach through teambeachbody.  If you do not have an account you can go to my site and create one for free! Then you are required to get the Super Sampler of Shakeology, that gives you access into my closed online group plus the group app on your phone for easy access!

Then, starting on MARCH 30th I will be providing you with a sample clean eating meal plan and grocery list, daily tips to start making healthier choices, snack ideas, lists of good sources of protein, carbs fruits and veggies plus the foods you should stay away from!  Each day we will post our shakeology recipe and give feedback on what we think!  You can replace any meal with shakeology and I suggest choosing the meal that you struggle with the most!  For some it's breakfast bc either you never eat breakfast or you are always running late and you hit the drive thru.  For me some days it's lunch bc the kids are eating mac and cheese and I have my shake bc it's utter chaos in our house at lunch time! This keeps me from nibbling on their food! Whatever works best for you is what you choose! 
Shakeology Super Sampler, Try Shakeology, Sample, Trial of Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Clean Eating, 7 day clean eating and shakeology group

Then our goal is to see what kind of success we can have in 7 days!  Heck, you seriously could lose a pant size if you give it 100%!!! Are you in?  Are you willing to give it a try?  Honestly it's $29.95+ shipping & tax.   That is doable!  Plus the amazing support I will be giving you will help you to start and finish and have success in 7 days!
Shakeology Super Sampler, Try Shakeology, Sample, Trial of Shakeology, Melanie Mitro, Clean Eating, 7 day clean eating and shakeology group

Hit me up by filling out the application below if you would like to participate in this group.


  1. I'd like to try this! I have the 21 Day Fix program and have done a couple of the workouts but have not started the program yet. I also have never tried Shakeology because of price and taste so this sounds like a good place to start. I notice the start date was March 30th, is there any way to still take advantage of this?

  2. I'd like to try this! I have the 21 Day Fix program and have done a couple of the workouts but have not started the program yet. I also have never tried Shakeology because of price and taste so this sounds like a good place to start. I notice the start date was March 30th, is there any way to still take advantage of this?
