
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Shakeology Chocolate To Curb That Sweet Tooth

OMG OMG OMG!!!!  I think I just died and went to heaven!  I have the biggest sweet tooth ever! I think I finally found my fix!  I am doing my best to cut out sugar because it is so stinkin addictive and the more I eat the more I crave it!  

I am also following the 21 Day Fix Extreme workout plan and for 21 days there are no cheats or treats.  But the cool part is that I have found healthy foods I can make feel like a treat!  This is one of them!

Shakeology chocolate!  I will be honest, you can add this to the list of the things I am skeptical of!  As I was mixing it up in the kitchen both my in laws and husband was rolling his eyes at me.

The recipe is simple 1 scoop of Chocolate Shakeology and 1 spoon of coconut oil melted. Stir it together.  Then I spread it on a sheet of wax paper and put into the freezer until it was solid.  

I cut into chunks and literally enjoyed a chocolate bar with zero guilt.

1 spoon of coconut oil is a good fat and 1 shakeology serving is 1 red.
So I counted it as a red and as a spoon.  If you want to double or triple feel free!  you can also add in some peanut butter, PB2 or other nuts to give it some variety!  ohhh as I am typing this I am thinking about adding in some slivered almonds!!!!!  EEK!! This is so exciting.

You can stay on track and still have chocolate!


Landon tried it and came back for seconds too!

If you want to try it and don't have shakeology hit me up for the details on how to score you own!!!!
Shakeology Chocolate Recipe, Melanie MItro, coconut Oil, Chocolate Shakeology, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Clean Eating, Clean Eating Desserts
Goofy Husband and I eating the goods


  1. So how much water do you need to add? Many people are saying that just adding the coconut oil isn't enough to make it smooth enough to spread. Tutorial with pictures please!

  2. i bet you could dip strawberries in it! yum! can't wait to try it

  3. Omg!!! I made last night and topped with chopped almonds and sea salt!
    Amaze balls!!!! Got my chocolate craving handled without guilt or getting off track! Thank you! 😋
