
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

6 Weeks Til Summer Bootcamp

Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30Happy Wednesday!!!  It sure is a great Wednesday today! The sun is peeking through the clouds and its above 50 degrees and I'm totally feeling that the warmer weather is coming!  I even was able to open up the windows and let in some fresh air this morning!  

With the warmer weather approaching that also means that you slowly begin to shed the winter jacket, the boots, the warm and fuzzy sweatshirts/sweaters for lighter jackets, flip flops and capris/shorts! I don't know if you can relate, but as a stay at home mom I LIVE in YOGA pants and t-shirts and zip up hoodies! 

Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30, Meal Planning, Clean Eating Recipes
 When you zip up those jeans or put on that shirt that you haven't worn in awhile and you have a little extra muffin top over those jeans its a pretty stark reality that something needs to change! I know I just can't hide behind my yoga pants for the rest of my life.  Its comfortable for sure, but it's not reality!  I want to feel confident, have energy and not want to crawl in a hole every time I have go out in public. 
Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30, Meal Planning, Clean Eating Recipes

Also, how about that wedding or reunion you have this spring/summer! Do you have anything to wear to that or are you standing in your closet full of clothes saying to yourself that after this winter you can't fit into any of your dresses.  Or are you thinking, If I just get off this 5 lbs I can wear so many more outfits.  Maybe you are like me, I sat on the edge of my bed in tears bc nothing fit after having my second child! I didn't have a lot of flexible spending so I had to make it work with what I had!  I felt like my hands were tied!  In reality I just thought I would be fat and frumpy forever!  

Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30, Meal Planning, Clean Eating Recipes

I was invited by my NOW COACH to join a challenge group!  I had no idea what the heck a challenge group was.  But I was at my witts end and I was willing to try anything!  I started my journey with Insanity {maybe not the best choice since its the hardest program out there and I hadn't worked out in 3 years} but I was committed!  I worked out every day in our storage room of our townhouse while Landon and Bryce would take a nap!  

I wanted to change more than I wanted to stay the same!  WE had seriously 6 weddings to go to that summer and I wasn't going to see all of our college friends like that!!  It was my motivation to change!  so I got to work! I started eating healthier, paying attention to the quality of my foods, eating for energy, fueling my body with nutrient dense choices, upping my water intake, and replacing 1 meal a day with shakeology!  I slowly started to see the scale moving in the right direction!  

3 months later, 30 lbs gone, and an entirely new person strutting their stuff in my skin!!!!  Honestly if it wasn't for the support of my coach, the other ladies in the challenge group I would of quit after the 2nd week when the weight wasn't coming off fast enough!  
Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30, Meal Planning, Clean Eating Recipes

But because of the awesome support I realized that this is a process!  It's a lifestyle change and not a crash diet. It took me longer than 2 weeks to put on the weight and it would take longer to get it off. So I started working on ME!  

I was in it for the long haul! Everyday I would check into the challenge group, post my workout ratings, food ratings and ask questions about where I was struggling.  IT was my support group in the comfort of my own home!

Lets face it, its easy to skip a workout, to not make healthy choices, to ignore the feeling in your gut to dig deeper if you don't have accountability!  That's the secret sauce about what we get to do!  It's not about a bag of powder and a box of workout DVDs.  Its about being a part of something more and knowing that you matter to others.  

Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30, Meal Planning, Clean Eating Recipes

So since there is 6 weeks until the unofficial start of summer I want to invite you to join me in a 6 week bootcamp!  I am going to teach you the principles of clean eating, how to fuel your body for energy, for healthy weight loss, and how to make this a lifestyle change vs a crash diet.

I am going to share my meal plans, guide you to creating your own, give you recipes, tips and ideas to help you achieve your goals. Whether its 5lbs or 20+ lbs I can help!  I really truly love what I do and I get no great joy than seeing other people succeed!  
Muffin Top, Fitness Motivation Quotes, Melanie MItro, Clean Eating, 6 weeks til summer bootcamp, 21 Day Fix, Max30, Meal Planning, Clean Eating Recipes

So if this sounds like something you would like to do then I invite you to join me on April 20th! The requirements are that I am your coach through Team Beachbody and that you commit to a fitness program which we will decide on together, you replace 1 meal a day with Shakeology and in return I will add you to my closed online accountability and support group where each day you will get group support from me, daily interaction, daily check ins and the ultimate accountability!  

Does this sound like a plan?  If so, hit up the application below to get more information on the group!

What do you have to lose??  In 6 weeks you can drop a pant size, lose between 5 and 15 lbs and really truly have more energy and confidence!  Are you in?

I hope to see you in my April 20th group!

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