
Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Survival Guide Tips: How To Survive A Holiday Weekend

Happy Monday! After an awesome and amazing birthday celebration for my husband its time to get back on track today!  I had a few vodka soda waters, a few treats and maybe a hamburger and fries!  But, I worked out, I stayed committed overall to still drinking my Shakeology daily and to eating healthy snacks and chugging water!  The old me would of thrown all caution to the wind and completely overdone myself. The current me is definitely more savvy about her food choices, her long term effects and the goals that I want to achieve.
clean eating, sweaty selfie, workout partners, 4th of July, Accountability, Cize, 21 day fix, recipes, tips, survival

So as we approach this holiday weekend what can you do to stay on track?

1.  Have a plan in place.  So think about what your week is going to look like.  Are you going to be traveling, camping, visiting family and friends?  
Next, schedule your workouts in your calendar like a meeting with your boss that you cannot miss.
clean eating, sweaty selfie, workout partners, 4th of July, Accountability, Cize, 21 day fix, recipes, tips, survival

clean eating, sweaty selfie, workout partners, 4th of July, Accountability, Cize, 21 day fix, recipes, tips, survivalFor example my schedule is blocked out for 5:30 am each day this week for my CIZE and 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts.  I'm committed to getting in my workouts even if it means that I have to take my laptop or my ipad and do Beachbody OnDemand at my parents house.  I know that my workouts are what gives me the boost I need to crush my day and keep that confidence lifted.

2.  Eating Clean is not a punishment, it's a reward!  I used to feel guilty about eating healthy on the weekends.  I used to think that I deserved it for being good all week long!  I thought that relaxing on the weekend was totally acceptable and that it would not make me lose any progress at all.  But in fact, the opposite occurred.  I actually ended up having a few drinks, a few bad food choices and Monday morning I would always wake up gaining the pounds back I worked so hard to lose on the weekends.  After a few weeks of doing this I finally realized that I had to be consistent during the weekends as much as the weekdays.  So I got back to the grind, I got my game plan in place and got to work!  
clean eating, sweaty selfie, workout partners, 4th of July, Accountability, Cize, 21 day fix, recipes, tips, survival

So, treat your weekends like week days and feel how powerful you feel when you have control over your food choices!  

3.  Never leave it to chance. So every time I would go to a party on the weekend I would just leave it to chance that someone would have fruit or veggies to eat there. I got burned 1 to many times by having nothing clean to eat and ending up starving and making bad choices.  So I got smart!  I started to either pre-eat before I left the house or on the way with my Shakeology to a party and I would take an apple & almonds and veggies for in my purse.  I also offer to bring side dishes that are a little heartier like quinoa salad so that I have something that has protein in it that I can eat.  That way I get to eat and stay on track too.

4.  Water, water and more water! Even though the frozen drinks look great, they might seem refreshing they are going to derail your progress so quickly.  So instead of fruity drinks I go for a vodka soda water and a splash of lemon or lime and a full glass of water!  This is your lowest calorie option but it does still count as a carb.  So you def want them in moderation.
clean eating, sweaty selfie, workout partners, 4th of July, Accountability, Cize, 21 day fix, recipes, tips, survival

5.  Practice the 80-20 rule.  Don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself permission to not be perfect!  Look at your week and decide where you want to splurge at.  If grandma makes amazing pies and you are going there saturday then pass up the cake at work for a co workers birthday this week.  It's all about having balance and realizing that you can't have it all but you can enjoy life with moderation!  
clean eating, sweaty selfie, workout partners, 4th of July, Accountability, Cize, 21 day fix, recipes, tips, survival

You can make it through each weekend and learn as you go but you DO have to be WILLING TO CHANGE and TRY something new! This is half the battle of having success in your health and fitness.  You honestly have to look at this as a lifestyle change and not just a crash diet.  

Starting July 6th is a 21 day fix up your summer challenge group!  Hit me up for the details by completing my application below!

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