
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Be A Mompreneur and Build a Business From Your Kitchen Table

Wow, what a whirlwind of a week!  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you know that it has been a huge week for me in my Beachbody business!  Not only did I get to speak on stage at the annual Beachbody Coach Summit in front of 25,000 people but I hosted my very own team event called the Recipe for Success and I was given the award of Top Coach of Beachbody this year!

Here is my summit presentation on how to raise the bar on leadership: This is exactly how I train my team! It's about building stability and longevity in your organization.

I was able to celebrate with my team, the Dream Team, my husband, our 2 boys and our parents!  It was truly an amazing experience!  I am definitely still recovering from this week away!

Top Coach, Melanie Mitro, family, Celebration, Elite 10, Successful Coach, How to Be a Coach

I really want to share all the great photos with you so I'll do that in another post but for now I want to just share my thoughts with you all.

4 years ago if you would of told me that I was going to be the Top Coach of Team Beachbody, a Super Star Diamond II coach, a millionaire in a multilevel marketing company and a main stage speaker that presents of developing leadership in your business I would have laughed at you!  Trust me, I had no idea when I joined the "summer slim down challenge" group to lose my post baby weight that I was going to do all of this!

I really truly was changed by Beachbody, Insanity, Challenge Groups and the support from my coach!  If it wasn't for Nikki I wouldn't be here today!  I started as a coach by actually going behind Matt's back and using my Birthday money to buy Shakeology and sign up as a coach.  I only wanted to help people lose weight and feel as empowered as I did.  I had no understanding of the business, how it worked or the potential!  I just began by running challenge groups, by being present on social media, leading by example and showing people that if I can do it, they can to!

What began to happen over the series of the next few months is that I started to gain an entrepreneur mindset.  I began making decisions in my life that were bringing me closer to success.  I implemented the slight edge and the compound effect. I pumped the well of consistency even when no one else believed I could do it.  Little by little I began to grow the foundation of my business.  It didn't seem like much at first but all of a sudden this little girl from Mars began to make a big impact!

It took work, it required dedication and commitment but its something that ANYONE I mean ANYONE can do if they put their mind too it!  If decide to be successful there is absolutely no reason why you can't be!

So, coming back from Summit I know my work is not done!  I know I have the ability to train and impact the lives of so many and that is exactly what I want to do!

I am opening up a 5 day sneak peek into coaching on the Dream Team.  My goal is to give you a snapshot of what I do as a coach, share what a challenge group is, how you earn money, how you find people and how you grow your social media market!

If you would like to know more about what it takes to be a Beachbody Coach, Join here!  {only for non coaches}

Also, to give you even more in depth information about what it means to be a Beachbody Coach I am going to be hosting a "What Is A Beachbody Coach" Webinar tomorrow at 4:30 PM EST live!

You can log in here and listen to the live call, ask questions and then catch the recording if you cannot be on live!!!
Its the best way to get all the details about the business and how it can work for you!

Here is the log in for the live call :

Here is the dial in number:  


Here is the pin:  

674 3180#

Mompreneneur, Beachbody Coach, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Summit 2015, Nashville, Coach Training, Top Coach Training, Mars, PA,

I will also be launching my next New Coach Training University on the 3rd of August with a new coach kick off call at 6:00 pm EST on Tuesday July 28th.  Once you become a coach you will have access to the link for this call!

Then, to help you get started right you will have access to my New Coach University where I will teach you everything that I have done to be successful in this business.  I will help you from re inventing the wheel.  You will have access to all of my trainings, my documents, my guides, scripts, calls and more!  I do a weekly team call, a smaller new coach call and 1:1 calls as needed. So there definitely is not a lack of support from our team and myself!

I am committed to my team and their success!  I truly love being a coach and empowering people to know that they can accomplish anything that they put their mind to!  If you believe it, then you can achieve it!!!!  

I honestly built this business from my kitchen table before the boys woke up, during nap time and in the evenings after they went to bed at night!  Its one of those businesses where you can set your own hours, you can determine your own success based on your level of effort and you have the potential to truly change the course of your future!  But you will never know the possibilities unless you take that leap of faith!  There is no better time than right now!

Are you interested in joining the Dream Team Coach University?

Mompreneneur, Beachbody Coach, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Summit 2015, Nashville, Coach Training, Top Coach Training, Mars, PA, Dream Team Coach Training University

Apply here:

Mompreneneur, Beachbody Coach, Top Coach, Elite Coach, Summit 2015, Nashville, Coach Training, Top Coach Training, Mars, PA,

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