
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

PiYo Week 3 Progress Update & Meal Plan

Happy Tuesday!!!!  I've been busy over here changing up my routine and taking care of my body in a slightly different way.  I believe its important to take care of your insides as much as your outward physical appearance.  I started to feel a little off balance in June and I partly attributed it to the stress of being on stage in front of 25,000 people.  After Summit I committed to getting back to the state of calm by going back to my yoga/pilates, stretching and tightened up nutrition.  

I chose to do Piyo which is my perfect combination of high intensity but low impact workout that is based on principles of Pilates and Yoga.  This week is technically week 3 of my Piyo journey but I have been doing the workouts for a good solid 4 weeks now! The first week I was just trying out different workouts and taking a few live workout classes to see if I would be into the Yoga/Piyo vibe!  I knew that my body was struggling and I needed a change of routine from my high intensity, cardio kick butt workouts like Max30.  I mean don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Shaun T and Autumn Calabrese but my body was in need of some stretching.  I felt like I was tight all over!  Plus my own stress was through the roof and I was in need of some rest and relaxation! 

I started yoga and Piyo with some hesitation that I would really be able to get results.  But even though I am not jumping around and pounding my joints I am still very much so making progress.  

What have I noticed in 3 weeks?
1.  My core is stronger and more defined.
2.  I can do more than 2 tricep push ups on my toes.
3.  I can feel the tightness releasing in my body.
4.  My nutrition is still on check and I have had a few cheats and I'm still making progress.

I totally have arm muscle from this workout!  No lifting weights, just body weight exercises!  I'm a true testament that it works!  

Piyo, Chalene Johnson, Results, Melanie Mitro, Top Coach, Beachbody Coach, Meal Plan, Confidence, Stress, Anxiety Management

The best part about Piyo is that I don't just feel like I am building my outside strength but I am literally building my inside strength at the same time!  I am focused on my mental state, my emotional energy, my breathe, my stretching and making sure I am in tune with my body!  

I am also checking my to do list at the door! When I walk into my workout space its just that.  MY WORKOUT SPACE!  It's not a time for me to think about the 21 million other things I should do! It is my time to be present in the moment, to really deeply get the most from my workouts and know that my time is what is going to bring me patience and happiness in the day!  

Piyo, Chalene Johnson, Results, Melanie Mitro, Top Coach, Beachbody Coach, Meal Plan, Confidence, Stress, Anxiety Management

Lets talk PiYo nutrition.  80% of your results in any program comes from the foods that you put in your body.  If you learn to replace your old habits with good new ones then you will not just have a short term solution to your weight loss but a life long habit of making healthier choices.  
Get used to feeding your bodies metabolism 5-6 times a day with small portion controlled meals.  Get used to drinking 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water each day and get used to fueling yourself with good food that is nutritionally dense and not processed!  It's nothing fancy, the meals are quite basic and its easy to live by for the rest of your life!  Check out my meal plan for this week below!  

Piyo, Chalene Johnson, Results, Melanie Mitro, Top Coach, Beachbody Coach, Meal Plan, Confidence, Stress, Anxiety Management

Follow my Week 3 of PiYo on my Facebook Page and if you would like to revive your health and fitness, take your life back or just restore and refresh your body please complete the application below to get more information on my Piyo Take Your Life Back Support And Accountability Group Starting on the 21st of September.  

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