
Sunday, October 25, 2015

30 Days Of Thankfulness Starts Now: Are you In??? You Are Invited

30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support,

So lets talk for a little bit about this upcoming week!  Lets also talk a little bit about the month of October.  I feel like it's been a whirlwind since the kids went back to school in September.  I have been traveling quite a bit, busy with the family and getting into our new routine, some testing for Landon to help him get some extra support for school and it's been busy to say the least. I feel like I have been all over the place with my routine, my habits and of course my nutrition!
But I know that the little ears and eyes of our family are watching and we want to be the best examples that we can be to them! So it's on track we go!!
30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support,
Don't Forget To Enjoy Your Blessings Today

I just started the first week of the 21 Day Fix Extreme last Monday and as I was tracking my food intake for the week in my food journal I realized that I am having a hard time getting back on track.  
I am eating way to many carbs per day and I'm having a few too many cheats in the week.  I'm basically canceling out all of my hard work in my workouts because my nutrition is slacking!  It's that darn sugar!  Getting your sugar under control is a difficult beast of itself.  It takes will power, it takes talking yourself off the ledge and it means breaking bad habits.  I mean literally as I am sitting here typing this blog post I'm thinking about what I can eat in the kitchen . Its 11:30 pm at night and everyone is asleep.  No one will know... right?!  WRONG... I'm accountable to myself, my challengers and my own fitness journey!  My body is going to show the choices I make!  I can't hide from it.  Quite honestly, I want to feel like I did right after doing Max30! I want to get back to my routine clean eating and it starts today!  
30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support,

Week 1 was the trial run!  It was me getting back in a routine, it was me really identifying the foods that trip me up and having a serious conversation with my husband about what we can and can not have in the house!  It is me sitting down this morning to create a meal plan for the week and then making sure I get the groceries so that I actually stick to it!  I chose meals that were really easy to cook, clean, and would give me left overs for the next day for lunch.  

I also know that I crave sweets so that is why I'm using the Shakeology chocolate as my evening cravings if needed.  Also, we didn't buy Halloween candy and I filled up our candy jar with our almonds.  If I keep sweets in the house, I will find it in a moment of weakness.  I literally won't buy candy until the day of Halloween. Trust me, they will not run out!  

30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support,

30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support, 21 Day Fix Extreme Meal Plan

Also, I have a game plan, my alarm is set.  I'm going to crush my workout, drink my water and stay on track this week!

I know that I feel better when I put myself first for at least 30 minutes each day!  I know that I have more energy to do the things I love when I eat healthy, so now it's time to buckle down and just do it!!!

But what I am also doing this week too is preparing for a really special project that piggy backs off of the Stress and Anxiety Group I did a few months ago!  I'm going to do a 30 days of Thankfulness for the November Thanksgiving month!

Not only do I want to teach people how to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle but I want to teach you how to truly be grateful for the blessings in our lives that we have right now! So often we get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life and we forget that everything that matters most is already right in front of us.  We always think we need, more or we need to do more and have more! In reality, you don't need more.  You have what you need right here!  I am going to take the next 30 days and start with an optional 3 Day Cleanse, then 30 days of putting YOU first for 30 minutes a day, I am going to teach you clean eating, meal planning, give you healthy recipes and tips to stay on track this November holiday season!  I am going to walk you through an entire month of tips and tricks.

Especially with traveling, holiday parties, Halloween, dinners out and friends visiting it is VERY VERY easy to get off track!  I got you covered!  80-20 rule is where it is all at!  Let me share with you how I truly feel like I can have my cake and eat it too!  Like this snack below! This curbed my sweet tooth, it gave me something crunchy and it felt like a dessert!  The best part is that it is 100% fix approved.
30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support,
New Recipe Creation!!!  Clean Eating Can Be Tasty!

So what is this group all about?

It's 30 Days of Thankfulness:

  1. Everyone in the group is committed to a fitness program
  2. You have the option to start on the 2nd with the 3 Day Refresh especially if you think this Halloween weekend is going to throw you WAY off track!
  3. Everyone in the group is replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology because... it is the HEALTHIEST meal of the day and lets face it.... we need fast food that is healthy right now!!! 
  4. You are committed to checking into the group 1x daily and reporting your day and staying accountable.
  5. I will teach you tips for traveling, eating at restaurants, healthy swaps, clean eating holiday recipes, appetizers, healthy drinks and more!
  6. I am going to help you with meal planning and weekly preparation
  7. Daily positive mindset and gratitude journal
  8. Every day you report what you are thankful for and start the day with positivity! Each night before bed you list out your daily accomplishments!  We are focusing on the things we can do and not the things we cannot do!

This is the time to keep your sanity, remain positive and enjoy the holiday season! Are you ready to kick things up a notch?!

Lets do this!

November 2nd is your start date to plan and prep! The workouts officially start on the 9th of November!
30 Days of Thankfulness, Melanie Mitro, Committed To Getting Fit, Clean Eating, Holiday Survival Guide, Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, Nutrition, Support,

Fill out the application below if you would like to be considered for the group!

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