
Monday, December 12, 2011

New Year New You, Exclusive Beachbody Challenge

The "New Year, New You" Beachbody Challenge is HERE and is going to rock your world!  Let 2011 be the last unhealthy & unfit year of your life!
Are you stuck in a rut mentally, physically and emotionally?  Do you need a little jumpstart to your workout routine?  Do you need to START your workout routine?  Do you have 10 pounds to lose or do you have 100 lbs to lose?  Then, I have the solution for you.  Take my exclusive beachbody challenge that starts January 9th, 2012 with me and a small group of personally selected individuals that I will mentor and coach through their fitness program each day.  I will provide you with personal support, motivation and accountability to help you reach your health and fitness goals.  We will set small manageable health and fitness goals and work to achieve your overall goal together.  The summer slim down challenge I did last May changed my life and I want to do the same for YOU!  There is not time to wait, take the challenge today and secure your spot for the start of the challenge! 
Special Promotion:  From today until December 25th if you purchase a Beachbody Challenge pack and commit to the first 30 days then I will reward you for your commitment with a $25 beachbody gift card that you can use towards any beachbody purchase.  If you refer a friend who takes the beachbody challenge with a challenge pack then I will give you $50 in beachbody gift cards to use towards additional purchases after their first 30 days.  So you could get your entire order paid for by working out with your friends!  Offer ends 12-25-2011.


Need help picking a fitness program?  Watch this short video and then contact me to find the program that meets your current fitness level and ability!  Beachbody has fitness programs for people that are new to fitness and those that are superfit! No matter how much weight you have to lose we can meet your needs!

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