
Friday, January 13, 2012

Stop the Self-Sabatoge Talk

It's been a bad day, so you tell yourself you'll just have one piece of candy. The next thing you know you're hiding the bag in the bottom of your drawer to get rid of the evidence. Train your brain against pity eating and self-deserved treats with these tips that will make you rethink before you eat.

Stop the Self-Sabotage Talk

If my life were a musical, it would be Annie. So I ate a bagel from the break room an hour after eating a big breakfast. I'll shore up my willpower -- tomorrow! So I skipped the gym? I'll work out extra hard -- tomorrow! Bet your bottom dollar! Susan Albers, PhD, author of But I Deserve This Chocolate, says this and other cop-outs aren't just common, they're also self-sabotaging. Here, five of the top offenders and how to defeat them.

Stop saying: "I had a bad day -- I deserve this!"
Make this your mantra: "I deserve comfort, not calories."
The not-so-sweet truth about that Snickers bar: "Studies show chocolate's soothing effect lasts only three minutes," says Albers. To really kick a bad mood to the curb, she suggests treating yourself to a hot shower, a quickie massage (most nail salons offer walk-in options for about the same cost as a polish change), or just five minutes of quiet, do-nothing time.
Stop saying: "I already fell off the wagon, so I might as well make this a cheat day and start fresh tomorrow."
Make this your mantra: "My goal is progress, not perfection."
Albers warns against all-or-nothing thinking. "You want to exist in the middle ground," she says. "That doesn't mean eating perfectly, it just means sitting down, slowing down, and focusing on what you do choose to eat."

Stop saying: "It's a special occasion, and I don't want to be a party pooper."
Make this your mantra: "I'll have more fun if I feel comfortable, not stuffed."
Going out on the town in a sparkly number that feels like a sausage casing is about as enjoyable as staying in to wash your hair. "People tend to worry that, if they try to restrict themselves, they'll ruin all the fun," says Albers. "But what really kills the mood is feeling bloated and guilty." Instead, have a little of the treats you really love (bacon-wrapped shrimp, anyone?) and skip the "filler foods" (think stale potato chips). "If it doesn't merit a 9 or 10, don't put it in your mouth," says Albers.

Stop saying: "I'm too stressed out to eat right."
Make this your mantra: "Healthy foods can help me feel calmer."
"Eating sweets and processed carbs causes your blood sugar to spike, which can actually increase your stress levels," says Albers. "Whereas knowing that you can reach for that apple you packed when you get the munchies instead of having to hit up the vending machine can make you feel more in control."

Stop saying: "I'm going to finish off these chips eventually, so I might as well do it now."
Make this your mantra: "The future doesn't have to resemble the past."
Just because you've never been able to eat just one handful of pretzels doesn't mean you can't start. "People tend to think certain outcomes are inevitable, but you can rewrite your story," says Albers. "One way to change your old habits is to visualize new ones. It sounds silly, but picturing yourself closing up that bag and putting it away can help you make it a reality."

I found this article in Fitness magazine and totally loved it!  When we are starting out eating clean and trying to get our bad habits under control we can sometimes feel defeated when we have a bad day!  But I want you to remember that if you had a bad day just pick yourself up by your boot straps and start again tomorrow.  But tomorrow is not just an ordinary day, it's the day that you will push yourself harder in your workouts and plan your meals and stay on track with your eating!  You can do this and with the support of your challenge group and myself anything is possible!  So be strong, do your best and forget the rest!!!

If you need some comfort snacks you should try a few of these recipes from my fellow coach!  I keep these on hand during that time of the month to ward of my chocolate fix!
No bake Chocolate Shakeology Balls
Homemade protein bars
Chocolate Covered Bananas

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