
Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter Onederland First Birthday Party-My Little Man is 1

On Saturday January 14th we celebrated out little baby boy's 1st birthday!  I can't believe it has been a year since we were in the hospital.  I was thinking back to the night I went into labor!  It was snowing like crazy and Matt and Landon were out in the backyard sled riding while I was inside walking around trying to figure out if I was actually having real contractions or if it was false labor!  After about 2 hours and a shower I could hardly breathe and the contractions were super strong!  So we tucked our little boy, Landon into bed and said goodbye to him as we headed off to the hospital.  Aunt Mo was there to watch Landon and we left the house for the last time as a family of 3. 
Bryce came into the world approximately 4:30 am on Friday the 14th of January 2011!  Bryce was a joy from the minute he was born.  He ate well, slept well and was the happiest baby that I have ever met!  He is always content to just play and smiles no matter what!  It's just amazing to see his little personality starting to form and he is totally learning so much each day.  He mastered going up and down the steps, saying "uh oh" and pointing the number 1 in the last week!  Oh and we will never forget the infamous hospital stay for a double ear infection that was compounded with pink eye and then cellulitis that landed us in the hospital for 2 days on IV antibiotics! His eye is a little swollen in his birthday pics but he is happy as can be!
We had a great day celebrating Bryce's birth with family and friends!  Thanks to everyone who shared in this special day!  It was truly an honor to have each and everyone of you there!
Winter onederland birthday cake
Candy Table
Birthday Boy with his igloo cake!
Bryce in his chair from mimi and pap pap!

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