
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Another Day Another Blessing- Become A Successful Team Beachbody Coach!

Beachbody has blessed my life

As the work week came to a close yesterday I was riding in the car with my family on our way to do some shopping and I just had this AH-HA moment in my mind!  I actually saw a coffee mug that said "another day another $" and it made me think!!!  I never once over the past 3 years have woke up to say, oh here we go again!!!  I never once have said to myself that I HAVE to go to WORK!  I do not dread MONDAYS or count the hours until friday at 5.  There is no working myself to death only to receive the same paycheck come payday.  I don't have to rely on my BOSS to give me a raise or see my true potential.  I get to unlock my OWN TRUE potential every single day of my life!  I have this empowered feeling that I have truly never ever felt in my life before.  This sense of control over my own destiny, my own happiness has been completely FREEING.  I am proud to say that I am not "another day another $" type of WOMAN!!!!

As I sat there thinking more about that phrase I thought to myself, HOW many PEOPLE right now at this very moment get anxiety when they go to to work every morning, whether it's because they have to leave their kids again at daycare or they are going to a job that belittles them, make them feel worthless or that they have NO passion for?  How many people dream of freedom, dream of happiness, dream of waking up to their own creative thoughts.  The thought of working towards someone else's agenda or dreams just makes you cringe.  Instead think of what it would be like to wake up to build your own dream, your own future and your own HEAVEN!  If any of this right here is speaking to you then I challenge you to think it through.  Get out a piece of paper and write down your dreams, your wants your needs, your NICE TO HAVES.  What makes you feel those butterflies of excitement inside?!  How would you feel if you were able to achieve all those things and more?!

I know you are thinking, gosh this lady is crazy!!  RIGHT?!?!  What the heck is she talking about, following your dreams and creating your own destiny?!?  I mean SERIOUSLY COME ON, that only happens in fairytales right?!?!  WRONG!!!  It can happen to you!  Trust me, believe me, it happened to me!  
Work hard play hard

I can't say it was a cake walk, I can't say that I don't sacrifice a little but what I can say is that the sacrifice is WORTH it! The choices I make greatly impacted my families life and now that one single sole decision I made 3 years ago to push the submit button on becoming a coach has impacted our lives in so many ways.  As I sat in my living room on the couch filling out the application I knew in my heart this is what I was called to do, but my check book said this was a BAD decision!  We didn't have fluff in our budget to pay for Shakeology or my coach sign up fee ($40).  We didn't have the $$ to pay for shakeology the next month either!  I didn't know how I was going to make it work, I just knew that I was going to make it work!  Thus began the journey of a thousand miles with a single click of the button!

Is Beachbody a Scam
The journey was tough, the journey caused a few tears, a few second guesses, a few late nights and a lot of patience, consistency and vision.  But the journey is moving onward, climbing that mountain and success is in the palm of my hand.  I never in a million years imagined that  the sequence of events that occurred over the past year would unfold the way that they did.  Most of you read my blog for my fitness and clean eating advice.  But I have accomplished some HUGE milestones that I want to share with you!  Because of my passion for helping others achieve their health and fitness goals I have been able to accomplish some amazing personal goals as well.  I now sit here with a coaching network called the DREAM TEAM and 2,228 coaches on my team!!!!  The domino effect of that one single decision has created so many fulfilled dreams, weight loss goals reached and lives changed than I could ever do alone.  But together as a team we have truly made a life change for so many!  

Today, right now I stand before you as your mom of 2, your loving wife, your fitness coach, your clean eater, and your 15 Star {Super Star} Diamond Elite Top 10 {#2} Beachbody Coach! 

The rankings that I achieve have nothing to do with my personal sales or what I do individually.  They have everything to do with how well I can lead a team, engage my coaches, create vision, and empower my team to follow their own dreams.  My rank in Beachbody is a direct reflection of my system of duplication, training and efficiency in my work day!  I didn't start out with the vision of top 10 or super star diamond coach.  I started with the vision of changing 1 persons life with Beachbody fitness programs and clean eating.  Over time my vision, my goals and dreams naturally evolved into what they are now!  I didn't get clouded by the what if's and the if I had done thats.  I just focused on what I could do at every single point in time and that is where I went with it!  

So the moral of the story is, if you truly believe in an opportunity and you are feeling called to take action. What the heck are you waiting for?!  The time will never be right, the conditions will never be perfect, but you go with it, embrace change, be fearless and never hold back!  What ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!

How to become a successful team beachbody coach

WHAT IS TOP 10?!?!
This year I was able to achieve top 10, actually the #2 spot in the entire organization!  What does that mean??  
It means that I have helped my team build successful businesses.  It doesn't mean that I went out and signed everyone up under the sun as a coach and then left them to figure it out for their own.  It means that I took the time to help them learn how to successfully run a business, I have a process for training new coaches {Dream Team Coach Apprenticeship Program} and I have a system for developing leadership within my team.  It means that I am leading by example and everything I tell my coaches to do, I do as well.  Being a top coach means that you put the needs of your team before your own.  You are there to answer questions, to motivate and to give direction!  It means that you are a FEARLESS LEADER!!!

Melanie Mitro, Top 10 Elite Team Beachbody Coach

Being a top coach means that you are constantly inviting new people to join your team, searching for those that are JUST like you and that are just as passionate and fearless as the rest!  It means that we find those hidden treasures, we dust them off, polish them and let them shine their light for the rest of the world to see!

Successful Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie Mitro

My success is a direct reflection of my team!  You can see that I had 17 team rank advancements in 1 month taking the top spot in December.  This means that 17 coaches in my business advanced in rank, earned more perks, bonuses, qualified for trips and achieved Elite and Premiere status.

What does this mean to you?!?!  If you have ever considered becoming a Beachbody Coach then NOW is the TIME!!!  I am going to be kicking off my Accelerated Coach Apprenticeship Program followed by my Emerald to Diamond Push Group and I am looking for 5 people to join my team!

Training for Team Beachbody coachesI am not looking for just any 5 people.  But 5 motivated, driven, passionate, committed people that are willing to take that leap of faith and put their trust in me!  5 people that will know from the bottom of their heart that I have your best interest at heart and that I wouldn't lead you astray!  I will teach you everything that I have done to build a successful team beachbody business in 2 years, as a stay at home mom, in the comfort of my own home.
It's not another day another $$ anymore.  It's another day another LIFE I can CHANGE!!!!  But it starts with a decision, a decision to trust and follow the process!!!!

Are you ready?  Are you interested in joining the Dream TEAM!?!  The top team in the network, the fastest growing organization and the most ON FIRE team!! The energy that emerges from our team calls, our private team page are just mind blowing!  We keep you on track with your health and fitness and with you finances to!  Its go time!!!

Want more information first?  Check out this webinar I did on what it means to be a coach on my team!


APPLY now to be considered for a spot on MY TEAM!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Brianna Cantu, I just recently signed up to be a beach-body coach under a friend of mine. However, I feel like I have not been taken to reaching the next level of reaching my goals which are small right now. I am a mother to a 1 year old baby girl and I am also a Marine veteran, so I know what it means to be dedicated and driven. I am also working 40 hours a week, while going to college so that I can apply to Nursing school. I barely have time for homework, which takes time away from my family and my Christian life...studying my Bible etc. I have always been a health advocate and I enjoy working out and being healthy. You can really say I am one of those people who tries to take on too much at one time...but that is just who I am. I would really just like to have more family time and more time with God. I know it will take dedication on my part I am just looking for the right tools and so far no one is really giving me the guidance I know that I need. If you have any pointers tools, if I need my own website please I am all ears. I read your testimony and it has given me a outlook and renewed hope. Thank You for your time. Sincerely Brianna Cantu
