
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Defining My Leadership Style- Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership style

I have been spending some time reflecting over my leadership as a coach and a mentor in the last few months.  I will be quite honest with you it has been a struggle.  I still to this day stand firm with my "WHY" for becoming a Beachbody Coach.  My Why is to help other people feel the same way that I did as a result of the support and guidance that a challenge group has to offer.  But with all the different leadership styles that are out there and different types of leaders it is hard to know which one is the RIGHT one! Which was is the right way to lead?!  Is one leadership style better than the other?  NO!!!

There is not one leader that is 100% right all the time.  I have come to the realization that I cannot make everyone happy no matter how hard I try.  So what I have decided is that I am going to define my leadership style, I am going to read it outloud to myself frequently and then I am going to do the very best that I can to stay true to that leadership style. Does that mean I will be perfect... NO!  Does it mean I will make mistakes...YES!  Does it mean that I will say the wrong things sometimes....OF COURSE, I am human and we are flawed!  But I do everything in my business and in my life from the goodness of my heart!

I define my leadership style or the way that I live my life and lead those on my team as SERVANT LEADERSHIP!!!

What is servant leadership?  It is a set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more caring world.  The servant leader first begins with the natural feeling of wanting to serve first.  Which is totally me.  From the time I was young I have always wanted to help others, to change the world to make things better!  I focus on meeting the needs of my team each and every day.  I focus on making sure that my challengers are getting the support they were promised even if it means I go that extra mile.

Do you know how you measure servant leadership?  You look at the people that you lead. Are they having success?  Are they moving forward?  I would truly say YES!  My team is becoming healthier, wiser, freer, and more likely to become servants themselves.

A servant leader focuses primarily on the growth and the well being of the people and the communities to which they belong.  The servant leader shares power,  buts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

I want my team to have great faith and trust that I will always have their best interest at heart!

I truly believe that I am no different than anyone else in this world.  I am not entitled to anything more and I know that my experiences are a gift and that I am to use them to help others do good works.
My job is to Pay it forward each and every day.  I strive to make a positive impact and to help others reach their fullest potential.  It's not about being the top producer or the #1 coach in the network its about climbing to the top with dignity, not losing who you are in the shuffle, and remaining true to your core values and to your family.  Paying it forward means that you do what it takes to help others reach THEIR GOALS not YOURS!

I love this because I am not your BOSS but I am your mentor, supporter and biggest cheerleader!  You get to determine how fast or how slow you want to go!  You get to create your own vision, set your own work hours and ultimately the time and energy you invest are reflected in the growth of your business.  This is the beauty of being the CEO of your own business!

I can say it's worked well for my business model!  26 Personally Sponsored Diamond Coaches, 3 Elite Coaches, 2 Premiere Coaches and our team is growing by leaps and bounds each and every week.  Our growth is a direct reflection of the way that we lead each and every day!  If I am telling you to do something you better believe that I am in the trenches doing it right along side of you too!

Cheers to knowing your leadership style, creating vision and clear cut goals that your entire team knows and shares the same understanding!

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  1. you have an interesting blog. thanks for sharing, I enjoyed reading your post

  2. Thank you for the leadership, and writing this article. Being a servant leader is very important no matter the type of business you are in. Thank you for your post.
