
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 4 Progress Update and Chalean Extreme Meal Plan

Happy Sunday! I hope you are all enjoying a peaceful Sunday morning and are counting your blessings for the week!  No matter what life throws at you, remind yourself that there is always a silver lining.  Sunday's are a great way for me to reflect, refresh, restart, and refocus.  I really enjoy making Sunday my day of rest but also the one day that I just get my SH*$ together!  I feel so much more accomplished when my meal plan is made, the food is in the fridge and I have laundry put away for the week.  So I am really going to try not to book my Sunday's so full that I don't get that chill time.  

Meal Plan, Chalean Extreme, Progress, Transformation, Update, Beachbody, Support, Coach, Accountability, Tips

A few travel tips for the week:

Clear CAN'T from your mind!  You absolutely can stay on track while traveling.  It is just thinking outside of the box.  Sure you can pack a 1/2 cup oatmeal with a scoop of protein powder, a handful of raisins and a tbsp of flaxseed in a ziploc bag and pack in your luggage. Grab a cup of hot water and pour over oatmeal for your breakfast on the go.

For your lunch or snack why not pack a packet of Shakeology, get a bottle of water, throw a shaker cup in your bag and have a quick on the go lunch.  EASY PEASY!  Also if you only have a bag of Shakeology vs the packets then you can grab a baby food container and put 1 scoop in each compartment and it fits perfectly and is portioned out!  
What about snacks?  Apples travel super easy and so do the 100 calorie packs of almonds. That is something you can throw in your carry on or luggage.  Also, quest bars although they are not 100% clean they provide you with a protein packed snack that will surely hold you over without to many extra ingredients.  Lara bars are also a good option.
Grilled chicken salads are easy and can be found just about anywhere.  So if you need a meal, go with a salad with no creamy dressings, grilled not friend and all the random add ons on the side.  Load up on veggies!!!!!  
clean eating snack, apples and almonds

Traveling can easily dehydrate you so make sure you are chugging water to keep yourself hydrated and full.

Meal Plan, Chalean Extreme, Progress, Transformation, Update, Beachbody, Support, Coach, Accountability, Tips

So whats my plan for this week?  It's going to be a crazy week for sure.  I am going to be traveling to Scottsdale Arizona on Wednesday for a Beachbody Leadership Conference.  So traveling will be in my game plan this week.  I always think ahead to what snacks will easily travel, I scope out the gym or workout options and no matter what I still drink my Shakeology 1x per day.

I know that since this is a Beachbody event the mea
Meal Plan, Chalean Extreme, Progress, Transformation, Update, Beachbody, Support, Coach, Accountability, Tips
l plan will fall right in line with my current eating plan.  I also know we will have live workouts with the trainers like Tony Horton, Autumn Calabrese and Chalene Johnson.  So the workouts are covered.  

I finished month 1 of Chalean Extreme and I can say that it didn't feel like a month has gone by at all.  I absolutely love lifting weights so I am totally in my element.
3 days a week strength training with multiple muscle groups at the same time, 2 cardio interval days, abs and yoga!  I have increased all of my weights in the past 4 weeks and the Push phase will begin tomorrow.
I plan to do the first 2 workouts this week then repeat week 1 next week when I get home from Arizona.  
Meal Plan, Chalean Extreme, Progress, Transformation, Update, Beachbody, Support, Coach, Accountability, Tips

The meal plan is as followed:  

Meal Plan, Chalean Extreme, Progress, Transformation, Update, Beachbody, Support, Coach, Accountability, Tips
If you would like the blank meal plan template.  You can score it here and start creating your own printable plan.  Click the blank plan below to print your own.

Use the recipes under the Eat Clean Recipes Tab and have an easy to follow meal plan!

Blank Meal Plan Template, Printable Meal Plan template

Meal Plan, Chalean Extreme, Progress, Transformation, Update, Beachbody, Support, Coach, Accountability, Tips
Bat Girl- Thanks Boys

Bring on Month 2!!!  Continue to follow my progress each week on my blog!  
Lots of great new recipes and tips coming this week!  

If you would like more information on how I can help you reach your own personal best!  Complete the application below to get more information about my upcoming challenge group!

1 comment:

  1. Are you noticing changes in your body?? I really want to build muscle on my legs, has this helped with that area?? I want muscles all over, but definitely on my legs! I have chicken legs. Thank you!
