
Monday, June 8, 2015

Big News: I'm In the Cize Coach Test Group

Well this is rather embarrassing and humbling at the exact same time.  If you know a little about me then you know that I can't dance worth a lick!  Actually, both Matt and I lack any type of coordination what so ever!  But for some reason, Beachbody chose me to be a part of the Cize coach test group. So the packet arrived while we were away in Paris last week.  When I got home I could hardly wait to open the package and start planning out my bad dancing plan of attack!  
Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro

I will be totally honest, I wasn't very excited for the program but Shaun T assured me that ANYONE can dance!!!  
Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro

So lets talk about this program!  Many of you may not know what it is! Well, its a brand new Shaun T workout that will be released in July.  It's basically like hip hop dance and it is a lot of fun!
Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro

So Shaun T calls it the end of exercise.  Its the end of what he calls traditional workouts.  Cize is meant to take your mind off the fact that you are working out and put it on the moves so that you forget you are sweating and burning calories.  Which is true, I totally was into learning the moves that I didn't realize how sweaty I was at the end of the workout!  

It is fun, the music is super awesome, and I actually danced!  I can't say it was stage ready dancing but it worked!!  So truly even if you think you can't dance, you can do this!

There are multiple levels you can choose from.  You can choose the beginner or the advanced option.  You also have a really awesome nutrition guide to go along with the program.  Because you all know that your nutrition is 80% of your results.  If you want to really get those before and after pictures you have to pay some serious attention to what you are eating.

The schedule is laid out in a sequential order so that each workout builds on the last.  It's all about repetition and practice. The more you practice the more you master the moves.  
Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro

Today was day 1 of Cize for Matt and I.  The workout today was Crazy 8's,  I really thought I was going to be completely lost and confused but surprisingly I was able to follow along and by the end I could do the entire workout.  Shaun does an awesome job at breaking down and building on the workout one move at a time.  Check out our CIZE video below!  Honestly, I can't even go back and watch it because I bust out laughing every time!  We sure know how to have a good time!!!

Stay tuned over the next 30 days for our progress, our fun videos and our reviews!!!!  Are you ready to CIZE it UP?!?!  

Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro
Post workout Sweaty Selfies

Lets talk nutrition!  The Cize nutrition plan is awesome and it totally is easy and doable for anyone.  It follows the clean eating principles and I can still use my portion controlled containers which I love!!!  I am doing the 3 day refresh for the next 3 days and then following the Cize Nutrition to the T.  Here is a sample of my meal plan for the week!  

Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro
3 Day Refresh Meal Plan and Cize

Cize is going to be released in July!  If you would like to be on the list for updates and to be a part of my very first CIZE support and accountability group I will walk you through the moves, the nutrition, the calendar and keep you accountable to starting and finishing the workout.  Make sure to complete the application below to get the details.

Cize, Coach Test Group, Melanie Mitro, Get It Now, Get on the List, Meal Plan, Nutrition, Clean Eating, 3 Day Refresh, Melanie Mitro


  1. That is hilarious! Right now I'm rotating between 21 DFX and Piyo. I also run!

  2. Ok I think your hubsy is the BEST for being so into this workout. I tried the one on BOD the other day and I'm the same as you...can't dance to save my life (and I took dance lessons for YEARS as a kid/teen!!). What a trooper he is...and thanks for this hil-AR video ;)
