
Friday, August 21, 2015

Piyo Meal Plan Week 1 of My Stress and Anxiety Group

Piyo Strength, Schedule, Workout schedule, Piyo Meal Plan, Piyo Recipes, Support, Accountability, Fixate, Meal Planning, Melanie MItro
It's time!!  It's time to put your fears aside, to saddle up, to rip off the bandaid and to face your fears work towards becoming the strong person that we all know is inside of you!!!!!  

 I've been working with my new challengers this week to get prepared for day 1 of our Take Back Your Life Group where I am going to be mentoring and supporting my customers and coaches to really take charge of the things that cause them anxiety and to really begin to live their life by design.
Piyo Strength, Schedule, Workout schedule, Piyo Meal Plan, Piyo Recipes, Support, Accountability, Fixate, Meal Planning, Melanie MItro

The focus over the next 8 week is to make exercise a part of our daily routine, to make healthy eating something we do NOT because we HAVE to but because it makes us feel better and lastly to really put an emphasis on clearing out the distractions and releasing ourselves from the things that we cannot control!! Control the controllable is my motto!!!

So, this past week was all about setting our intentions.  Why are you here? What is your driving force for changing yourself physically and mentally? We spent some time in the group discussing where we want to be with things and then moved on to the meal planning, the program prep and all the important steps to success.
Piyo Strength, Schedule, Workout schedule, Piyo Meal Plan, Piyo Recipes, Support, Accountability, Fixate, Meal Planning, Melanie MItro

I truly feel that if you don't take time to make sure you have a clear workout space.  Like a space that isn't going to cause you more anxiety!!  This past week my husband and kids were on a mission to clean out the basement and get our playroom/workout space back in order.  Just the thought of having to go into the basement to workout brought me anxiety! So that was not going to do me any good at all.

Secondly, make sure you have the right equipment for the workout. Whether you are reading this and getting ready to do Piyo or you are going to be doing another program like the 21 Day Fix. Don't wait until the night before to get your weights together.  Get your yoga mat out, get your mirror set up to check your form, clear the clutter and set your alarm for the time that you are going to start your workout each day.
Piyo Strength, Schedule, Workout schedule, Piyo Meal Plan, Piyo Recipes, Support, Accountability, Fixate, Meal Planning, Melanie MItro

Then, meal planning!  Again, don't wait until the night before or Monday morning when you are already late for work to figure out what you are going to eat!  Take the time to sit down with the nutrition guide, figure out which category you fall into.  Print out the blank meal plan guide and fill it out. Make a grocery list of things you need to pick up at the store and get ready for Monday!  When you feel in control with your food, your meals, your to do list then you are more likely to stick with it!  If you start Monday frazzled then we are not helping you to manage your anxiety and stress.

So #1 PLAN AHEAD!  Don't Procrastinate. That is not going to do you any good!  Part of this group is changing old HABITS!!!  So, today set your intentions for Monday.  Set aside 30 minutes to review the meal plan, to check out my Eat Clean Recipes Tab or the Fixate Cookbook for meals for the week.  I promise when Monday morning rolls around you are going to be so much more prepared!  I know we can't prevent every obstacle but we sure can do our very best!

Here are my tips for my challengers this week!  I hope this helps you plan as well:

Also here is my meal plan for the week!
I am going to be following Plan A.  I am going to be using the 21 Day Fix Container System.  I find that its just much easier to measure out my food using those containers!!!  

I definitely am all for making my life easier, so I am also going to be cooking dinner and making extra so that I have lunch for the next day!  If all else fails, I am totally fine with an extra shakeology or even having an omelet for lunch!  

Piyo Strength, Schedule, Workout schedule, Piyo Meal Plan, Piyo Recipes, Support, Accountability, Fixate, Meal Planning, Melanie MItro
This meal plan was super easy to make on an Excel spreadsheet.

Lastly, if you purchased Piyo and you have Beachbody OnDemand you can access the entire program on Demand. I found some great FAQs about Piyo that you might find helpful:  FAQ's

I am going to be following the Strength calendar of Piyo.  There are two calendars.  The regular and strength and I am just ready to turn up the heat!  Since I already have done the fundamentals workout I am going to be starting on Monday with the Define Lower Body.  I also ordered the advanced workouts so that I can incorporate that in there as well!

Piyo Strength, Schedule, Workout schedule, Piyo Meal Plan, Piyo Recipes, Support, Accountability, Fixate, Meal Planning, Melanie MItro

Alright, Monday is the big day!!!  We start our first week of our stress and anxiety group!  I can't wait to teach this group how to really let go, control the controllable and of course help them reach their health and fitness goals too!

Make sure you follow our progress at Committed To Getting Fit on Facebook!

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