
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Clean Eating Vacation Meal Plan

This week I am on vacation.  My family is traveling to Myrtle Beach for some much needed family time.  We are only 1 day into our trip and haven’t even made it to the beach yet but I’ve already encountered how hard it can be to eat clean while traveling.  I also feel that I have an advantage because I have so much knowledge about food choices already.  But to someone just starting out it can be a frustrating time.  So let me help you sift through the crap!
Vacation with the Mitros

Before leaving the house I made a list of foods that travel well:
Protein Powder
Cocoa Roasted Almonds
Quest Protein Bars
Squeezable applesauce
Seltzer Water

Then I packed up my mini blender, shaker cups, chia seeds and portioned out baggies of oatmeal into ½ c servings for the week.  I plan on stopping at the grocery store once we get to the beach for fresh fruit and veggies.  For breakfast it will be oatmeal and lunch will be my shake! I have my healthy snacks taken care of with apples, almonds, protein bars and more.  Then the only real meal we are eating out is dinner. 

Yesterday while we were on the road we stopped Ruby Tuesday’s for dinner in West Virginia.  They had spaghetti squash marinara with grilled zucchini on the menu.  SOLD!  Since there wasn’t a protein I asked if they could add a piece of grilled chicken.  It was awesome and I felt good!

Does Shakeology really workSo we made it to Wyethville last night and stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.  The hotel was brand new and very nice but the free continental breakfast was absolutely disgraceful.  The breakfast consisted of pre made frozen perfectly round eggs that had been warmed up, sasuage patties, pancakes from a machine, fruit loops, cinnamon toast crunch, oatmeal with maple sugar, yogurt with fruit, bagels and cinnamon buns.  There were literally bananas that would qualify as the only clean food.  So instead of eating what was there I chose to hit the car for my shakeology, shaker cup and bottle of water.  I mixed up a shake, ate a banana and called it a day!  I had 2 choices I could make.  I could eat a piece of whole grain toast, an egg patty and some  yogurt and say I ate healthy or I could of done what I did.  Truthfully if I would of chosen what I thought was the healthy option I would still be shooting myself in the foot.   Processed bread, fake eggs, and fake sugar in the yogurt would of killed my sugar for the day, left me bloated, tired and hungry!  Plus I don’t want to waste a good cheat meal on that!! 

It’s all about the choices that you make.  For me this was just the logical choice. 

UPDATE:  Now we are back on the road again.  Water in hand, apple and almonds for a snack and definitely grabbing a salad with some grilled chicken for lunch!  More to come as the week goes on!!!

Clean Eating Motivation

Update:  So we made it to the hotel, we hit up the grocery store and are all settled in for the day.  Here is the plan that I crafted for the week.  Then, I went down to the gym to scope out the weights so that I had an idea of how I was going to do my Beast workout this week.  Low and behold there are no stinkin weights!  Only a few machines and mostly cardio.  So I pouted for a little but now I've decided that I'm doing T25 this entire week with Matt!  We are going to do the Beta Phase and I'm totally going to bring it for each and every workout.  Plus I'm going to do a little beach workout at some point this week as well.

So while I did make a plan of attack for the week, I am also realizing that I still need to be flexible and that it's not always going to workout the way I want it to!

So onward and upward.  Check back for more vacation tips as the week goes on!!!

Clean Eating Vacation Meal Plan

More healthy vacation tips


  1. I can hear the rush between the lines, Melanie. I must agree with you about bringing healthy food when going on a vacation. But I think you don’t have to bring all of your stocks at home. If you’re planning to go out-of-town, there should be a supermarket that you can pass by. And of course, book a place that is complete with amenities that you need.


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