
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

T25 Alpha Phase Women's Results-Amber

T25 Month 1 Results

The results are coming in slowly but surely for the first month of the T25 challenge group!  I'm excited to share one of my challengers results.  I know that a lot of you question whether or not 25 minutes is enough time to get an effective workout.  Well, when you are working out with Shaun T, the answer is ABSOLUTELY!!!  He is the one person I trust to kick my rear in gear!
Amber is a part of my challenge group and she is doing T25, Clean Eating and Shakeology.  Check out her story and results in the first 30 days:
T25 30 day Results Testimony

I started my fitness journey on July 8th, 2013. I ordered my Focus T25 challenge pack and began working out, eating clean, and drinking Shakeology every day. I can't even begin to tell you the emotions going through me right now as I sit back and look at these before and after pictures that were taken 5 weeks apart!

A little bit of background on me! I'm 25 years old and love playing softball. I have played ever since I was 4 years old, and will play as long as my body lets me. I played competitively up through college. Once I graduated college, I switched to slow-pitch softball which is still a blast but you don't need to be in top shape to play. Because I wasn't training and practicing like I did in college, I let my fitness and health slip. I gained weight and just felt awful and tired all the time. I was becoming a couch potato and would eat junk all the time. I was starting to realize how crappy I felt and how I was letting my body go and I wasn't happy with myself about it. That just lead to more emotional eating. 

Then a couple nights in a row, I would wake up randomly around 2:30am or so and there would always be an Insanity commercial on. No matter what channel I left the tv on when I fell asleep, that infomercial would be on when I woke up. One night I woke up out of a dead sleep to this infomercial and decided enough was enough. I needed a change. So I contacted one of my friends who I knew was involved with Beachbody and she put me in touch with my coach, Melanie Mitro. That is probably the best decision of my life to date. After speaking with Melanie for a couple days, I decided to order a T25 challenge pack and become a coach! I figured this would give me the motivation to not give up, like I did with everything else. I had no clue of the amazing things to come!

T25 challenge pack
T 25 Challenge Pack

Five weeks later I can now say that I am 6.6 pounds lighter and 7.75 inches thinner. Below are my progress pictures after 5 weeks of doing T25, drinking Shakeology and eating clean. Before pictures on the left, After pictures on the right.My challenge group started July 8th and I was soo nervous about starting! I was nervous about talking about my struggles with total strangers and I was nervous about the workouts and trying to eat healthy. All I know now is that I would not have been able to do it without the help and guidance of my challenge group ladies! They have all inspired me and pushed me to not give up. Even after having a bad day with working out or eating bad, they were there to give me the support I needed and to make tomorrow a better day.

Month 1 T25 Results

Alpha Phase T25 Results

T25 Womens Results

T25 Alpha Phase results

I knew that I felt better, but hadn't really noticed a change in my body before these pictures. Once I put these side by side, it really showed my hard work paying off. I still have a ways to go, but this just motivates me to push harder and make my next 5 weeks even better. This has been such a great experience and there is no way I would have been able to do this on my own! I was down and out in my life at the time I ordered my challenge pack, and in 5 short weeks, I feel like a whole new person. I have such a more positive outlook on life and can't wait to wake up every morning, workout, and feel great! And believe me, if I can do this so can you! Check back in 5 weeks for even more, better results! :)

Fitness Motivation T25 Month 1 Results
Is now your time to rise up and seize the opportunity to make a change?  The summer is winding down and fall is approaching.  Life is most likely going to get busy for you.  How can you stay on track?  How can you find a way to get in a workout even if you have a jam packed schedule? T25 is the answer you have been waiting for!
25 minutes a day, 5 day s a week, then join my August 26th challenge group to get meal planning, recipes, tips, suggestions and motivation to keep you on track to start and complete your workout program.

Clean Eating and Exercise Support Group

Complete this form to be considered for the exclusive Challenge Group Starting August 26th.

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