
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Women's Insanity Transformation Results

Jordan's Women's Insanity Transformation

Jordan is one of my challengers who just completed her 60 days of Insanity.  I met Jordan thru my husband.  Her boyfriend and Matt worked together at Heinz.  They had come to our house a few times and we would always talk about healthy eating and working out.  She always talked about Insanity and wanting to try it!  So finally after a little bit of coaxing she signed up for my challenge group.  She has been spot on since the day she started and totally rocked her results.
Check out her personal transformation story:
Wow, just WOW. I never imagined Insanity - DONEI could look and feel this way. Sixty-three days of Insanity down and as crazy as it sounds, I can’t believe it’s over! Time flies when you’re working your a** off!
When I started this journey I didn’t think I’d change that much. I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical. But after seeing all of the real life transformations, I thought it was definitely worth a test drive. I thought my endurance levels might increase and maybe I’d tone a little, but I never could have predicted just HOW toned I’d be and how much more energy I’d have! Guess when you’re constantly pumping endorphins, pain is an afterthought. And I was able to do all of this because I decided to join a challenge group with Melanie, an Insanity guru and friend of mine. The group gave me motivation, structure and most importantly, ACCOUNTABILITY! I knew I couldn’t skip my workouts because everyone else was up and doing them! Didn’t want to be the slacker in the group. ;) Having a team of people who are supporting you and doing the workouts right alongside you is definitely a recipe for SUCCESS.
It truly is amazing what you can accomplish when you put your mind to iA Liart. Your body will never be tired if your mind isn’t. You have to make YOUR MIND control YOUR BODY! Think about it, the mind is a powerful tool. If you let it, your body will always want to give up on its own. It’s always tired in the morning, noon and night, so mind over matter! It’s all about your mindset. Once you conquer your doubts and realize that, the sky is the limit. I am here as living proof that getting there is POSSIBLE. I want to shout it from the roof tops! BUT since I feel it would be rude to put my neighbors through that I’ll just keep it muffled here… So what exactly has changed for me throughout these 63 days?
  • Toner stomach, butt and legs
  • Leaner, toner arms
  • More energy
  • Better agility
  • More confidence
  • Lost several pounds and inches around my waist
Part of me felt a little uncomfortable making these pictures public, but I worked my butt off and darn it, I’m PROUD of this! It feels good to be able to write this down as an accomplishment and I am thrilled at the opportunity I now have to coach others to accomplish their goals. My goals were to tone up and just tighten the flab in general and between eating clean and this program I was able to accomplish them, as well as lose a few pounds and inches along the way! The hardest part is making the decision to try. Once you’re in, I can promise you that you won’t look back! I know I never will – there’s no where to go but up!
I am beyond proud of her dedication and commitment to clean eating, to the workouts and to replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology for the duration of the challenge group.  She really proved that if you follow the schedule of workouts, the nutrition guide and stay focused you can really achieve anything you put your mind to.
So excited for your success!!!
Want to be my next Insanity Transformation?  Contact me today to be a part of my next Challenge Group.  Accountability, Support, Motivation, Clean Eating and Shakeology!  All done from the comfort of your own home but with a support system that is irreplaceable online!
click here for Women's Insanity Transformation

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