
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Melanie Mitro's August Challenge Groups, Back to School Fitness and Abs Challenge

Summer is winding down and the kids are getting ready to go back to school.  This means a lot of things to many of us.  I know for me it’s the start of Preschool for Landon, Lunch Bunch for Bryce, Soccer practice and games, work travel, training and more. There are so many areas in life that I could come up with excuses as to why I don’t have time to exercise or eat healthy.  They are all legitimate excuses to.

No excuses health and fitness challenge

1.     The baby was up with a cold all night.
2.     We are potty training my 4 year old and he woke up 20 million times to pee.
3.     We are transitioning my 2 year old to a big bed and he keeps coming out.
4.     The kids woke up during my workout so I had to quit early.
5.     Shakeology is too expensive.
6.     We have other expenses this month so it will have to wait until next month.
7.     I just don’t have enough hours in the day.

YES all these things are totally legitimate excuses.  Believe me I have given them all.  But I have also learned along the way that you can absolutely find the time.  Something so simple as DVR’ing your favorite TV show, popping in T25, doing a 25 minute all out workout, then hit play on the DVR and catch your fav show all within the same hour it would of taken you to watch one show!  Sometimes it just takes re arranging your schedule, your mindset and your will power to change.  When it comes to food you also have the option to continue to eat the way you currently are, exercise but not quite ever really achieve the results you are hoping for.  It’s easy to just continue to count calories but eat highly processed, sodium packed foods and  not get results.  But it’s so darn frustrating to feel like you are exercising to death and nothing is happening.  Been there done that!  Instead, it’s time to focus on the foods you put in your mouth.  No more counting calories everyday, no more deprieving yourself and only eating rice cakes and drinking water.  It’s time to feed yourself really really good foods that fill you up and leave you feeling satisfied.  No crazy recipes, no ingredients that you have to search to the end of the world for, just normal everyday clean foods!!  Everything is kid tested and husband approved.  Think crockpot meals, oven bakes, healthy breakfast foods, fabulous quick easy snacks and more.

It’s time, I mean seriously, who are you kidding?  The conditions will never be perfect.  But you can accomplish so much more if you start now.  The sooner you make a change the sooner you will have more energy, more confidence and the ability to go out and do the things you couldn’t do before. 

So how can I help!! Well in the month of August I have a lot of things going on and I am excited to share them with you.

60 day health, fitness, Shakeology and Clean Eating Challenge Group, Join Now.

If you are looking to get a customized health and fitness plan through me as your Beachbody Coach, then enroll in my 60 day health and fitness challenge.  I can hook you up with T25, Insanity, Chalean Extreme, Body Beast, Turbofire and many many more programs.  

Also, you will receive customized meal planning, recipes, tips, strategies for staying focused when fall sports, football parties, and happy hours come around.  How do you handle emotional eating, stress eating, temptations and cravings?  All of these things will be discussed during the 60 day program.  Lastly each member of the group is required to replace 1 meal a day with shakeology.  Shakeology is not a protein shake, I repeat SHAKEOLOGY IS NOT A PROTEIN SHAKE!  It’s a complete meal which means it has the proper carb to protein ratio so that you stay full for at least 3 hours, it curbs your sweet cravings, gives you natural energy (no caffeine) and helps you lose weight by giving you a controlled portion size.  Shakeology is equivalent to eating 5 salads in one meal.  So if you tend to not eat enough veggies, are skipping meals and/or making poor choices due to lack of planning then Shakeology is your saving grace.  Try it for 30 days, if you don’t like it you can return for a full refund!!!  If you are interested in being a part of this group please complete the application below.

Here is a sample of what your meal plan could possibly look like:
Clean Eating Meal Plan

Your second option is a 30 day Clean Eating, Shakeology and Abs Challenge.
30 Day Shakeology, Clean Eating and Abs Challenge, Join Now.

For 30 days I will teach you the basics of clean eating, set realistic goals for your own personal health and fitness then focus on getting your abs in tip top shape. Each day is a different abs workout to keep you focused on your core!  Abs are made in the kitchen for sure but they pop so nicely when you pair it with some awesome cardio and ab sculpting work!!  Take the 30 day abs challenge with me now!!  This group begins on August 26th.  Each member is required to replace 1 meal a day with shakeology for the duration of the 30 day challenge!  YES it tastes awesome, yes it really works and yes I really love it!!! We are going to create some awesome meal plans and I am going to give you suggestions for how to lean out and show some ab definition.
30 Day Abs and Clean Eating challenge Group, Join Now

Are you in?

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