
Thursday, March 6, 2014

What Have I Been Up To This Week?!

Team Beachbody Corporate

Wow it has been an absolutely amazing week for me!  I feel like I totally owe you all an update!  I finished the 21 day fix round 1!!!!  I will be giving you an update on my final results tomorrow!  I am working on compiling those now.  I started round 2 this week and I'm down to 2 weeks until we leave for vacation.  Matt and I are going on a cruise that I earned from Team Beachbody.  So of course I'm working on getting in tip top shape for that event!!!

One part of my job is a motivator to help people achieve their health and fitness goals but the second part of my job is to help my team grow and create income and duplicate my success in their own business.  So the part that most of you don't see is the training, leadership and mentoring I do with my team.  I have developed new coach training camps, Emerald to Diamond groups, Diamond to Leadership groups, push groups and more. I do weekly team calls, 1:1 calls and help my coaches in every way that I can be successful on the level that they set for themselves.  It is a highly rewarding job and I love every single second of it, but yes it is a lot of work!  The great part is that the reward is worth every ounce of effort.  Seeing the success of my team puts a smile on my face and makes me so proud of their commitment and dedication to helping other people.

This past week I had the honor of flying to Corporate Headquarters to film a portion of the super saturday video for Beachbody's quarterly business meeting!  I was asked to film some of my tips to helping other coaches develop their ground in this business.  I have never been to the main office so this was such a great experience.  There is nothing like being right in the midst of the action and having a hand in training new coaches.
 A little plan and prep before ACTION TIME

I can't wait to share my tips at the April 12th Super Saturday!  I hope you all can make it!!!

Filming for Super Saturday
Behind the scenes of Team Beachbody Filming

I also had the experience of seeing the Shakeology wall at Corporate.  Here in this picture you can see every single ingredient that is in Shakeology.  It's amazing to believe that you can get this much good stuff in one single bag!  I have to say that shakeology has completely changed the simplicity of my nutrition! No longer am I tempted by the drive thru's and swayed to make bad choices because of the lack of time!! 
Shakeology to the rescue and it keeps me healthy and fulfilled!! 
I am very grateful to Beachbody and this amazing product and their commitment to excellence in quality!!

Shakeology Wall and all the ingredients in Shakeology
Shakeology Wall

As I sit here on the plane on the way home and think about how I got to where I am today I think to myself.  What if.....

What if I would of never took that leap of faith.  What if I would of never saved up my birthday money to buy Shakeology and become a coach?  What if I would of listened to everyone out there that said that this was a joke and that I would never make anything out of this business.  Seriously, my life would be so completely and utterly different right now.  I am so thankful that I found my coach Nikki, that I participated in a challenge group, lost all my post baby weight, got in better shape that I ever was before and now I have this amazing gift to share with others.  Every day we are faced with decisions.  Some are big, some small, some that seem insignificant at the time.  But all the decisions we make lead us to a bigger plan, a gift, a blessing and a way to grow into the person we are ultimately meant to be.

So if you are sitting here reading this and questioning an area of your life.  I ask you WHY?!  What is holding you back?  What fear do you have inside that keeps you from going for it? Challenge yourself today to dream BIGGER, to be BOLDER and to ultimately determine your own future!  

Imagine where your life would be 3 years from now if you choose to START today and move confidently in the direction of your DREAMS!!!!  

It is game on!  Let's make it happen!

If you are considering becoming a coach I invite you to join my team!
Ask me how becoming a Beachbody Coach could not only get you in the best shape of your life, but provide you with a financial reward as well.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow - this trip sounds amazing! Congratulations on having the opportunity to do so :) I'm a big Beachbody fan (and fellow coach) and love reading about your experiences with the products and overall business. With all that being said I've nominated you for the Liebster Award :) You can check out the link here:
