
Saturday, March 8, 2014

My 21 Day Fix Week 3 Results and Meal Plan

Week 3 21 Day Fix
Week 3 21 Day Fix

Well it's official, I completed the 21 Day Fix and honestly I have never felt more amazing after any of the workouts I have ever done!  It is important to know that I do not have any weight to realistically lose but my goal was to shed that extra layer of cushion that has been lingering, tighten up and tone up before our cruise vacation.  I also wanted to go through the program from beginning to end by the books so that I could teach my customers and challengers what to do and how to get over any obstacles I faced.  With that being said I can't even believe the amazing results I got plus those of my first test group.

So I fell into the lowest calorie category for the fix plan.  My meal plan below reflects what I ate through the entire process.  There were some days that I didn't get in all my containers. For example, afternoon snacks are the hardest for me because I am super busy either with the kids or with phone calls so sometimes I simply forgot to eat.  But the problem was this, I was starving later in the night whenever I missed a meal.  So the morale of the story is this.  Do whatever you have to in order to remind yourself to eat all your meals each day. That will keep you satisfied, not ravenous and then getting in your daily water intake really helps to keep you full and energized as well.  The third week is harder because you are a little more hungry, you are a little more sore because you are pushing yourself for maximum results and you want the great results so you put in the effort now because you know it will pay off.  By this point you can plan your meals, you can eyeball your portion sizes and you can really feel that this is a lifestyle change and not a crash diet.  The workouts really do rock, they challenge you but they are not impossible and Autumn really empowers you to be the best that you can be!

21 Day Fix Results

The third week for me was by far the most challenging.  The plan encourages you to do double workouts which I absolutely did and then the last 3 days are what is called the quick fix!  It's basically when you strip it down and do the bare minimum of protein and veggies with just a few carbs.  It was the icing on the cake and honestly it was the one thing that pushed my results to the max.  So if you are getting ready for a special event or working towards a goal this is going to really push you there. The food is basic and pretty simple so its easy to follow it just lacks in variety.

The hardest thing was to prep and plan out the meals ahead of time.  But it's well worth it to take the time to make sure you have it all together. Each day I just grabbed and went with the containers.  The one thing I did was substitute some egg whites instead of chicken and steamed fish for one meal bc I was just bored with chicken! Remember no salt, no Shakeology, just follow the plan to the T for the best results.
3 Day Quick Fix Meal Prep

I plan to repeat the 21 day fix 1 more time before I head to vacation and  then when I get back I'm jumping into P90X3!!!  I am currently on week 1 of the second round and I had to travel this week which brought forth some challenges in itself.  I did my best to plan and prep and I definitely had a carb or two more than I should have.  But I only missed 1 workout and am back on track!  Cheers to ROUND 2!!!  My awesome husband is doing round 2 with me as well!!!

21 Day fix Results
5 lbs down and flatter stomach, toned arms and more energy!
21 Day Fix Week 3 Meal Plan
21 Day Fix Meal Plan

The meal plan is nothing to be afraid of and is actually quite easy.  I suggest that you sit down with a piece of paper and pencil and write out your weekly plan, buy your groceries and have your game plan in place so that you aren't caught off guard at meal times.  If you have plenty of fresh fruits and veggies in the house you can make it through!!!!  Here are a few of our favorite recipes that we made thru the fix!!!!  You can clearly see that we are not depriving ourselves in any way.  There is an abundance of food and energy that can sustain you through the day.
21 Day Fix Recipes
1 Red & 1 yellow

21 Day Fix Dinner Recipe
21 Day fix dinner
21 Day Fix Results

So now that you have watched my entire 21 day fix journey either on my facebook or through my blog are you ready to join me?!?!?

Due to high demand the 21 day fix is currently on pre order.  What does that mean?!?  It means that if you are interested in participating in my next Fix Group which starts April 7th then you must reserve your copy now.  You will not be charged until the package leaves the warehouse but the orders are shipped in order of the pre-order placement!  So fill out the application below, reserve your spot and lets get you on the path to your own 21 day fix transformation!!  Just in time for warmer weather, tank tops and this year is the YEAR you rock your SHORTS and feel confident in your skin!!!