
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Earn $500 For The Holidays By Being A Beachbody Coach On The Dream Team

Cash for Christmas, Pay It Forward, Top coach, Melanie Mitro

As a Beachbody coach I have the privilege to help many people transform their own bodies with my challenge groups.  I absolutely love nothing more than seeing my customers testimonials in the group every day!  I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be because every day I wake up really excited about helping my challengers get the best results possible.  As a result of my focus always being on helping people I have been greatly rewarded financially.  It was definitely a slow start for me as a coach, but over the past 3 years my focus has been on how to create a quick start system for my new coaches to have success right away.  It's worked wonders for my team and I have new coaches that are doing what took me 9 months in 2-3 months!  

I was also sitting at home the other night thinking about the quickly approaching holiday season and I realized that 3 years ago I made a goal for myself to pay for our entire Christmas with the money that I made from Beachbody.  My husband sort of snickered at me, but I set out to make that goal a reality.  I did it by empowering people during the holiday season to make healthier choices, by providing support and accountability to my customers, family and friends.  I gave tips on healthy alternatives, workout accountability and motivation, travel tips and more.  I also lead by example and showed my followers, family and friends that I can find the time to workout at home with 2 boys and my business and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  I use my own facebook, instagram and blog {which you don't have to do all of these to be successful} as my platform to share with others what works for me.  My hope is that by sharing my honest, real, candid struggles that I can help others to succeed!  

So, at the end of December when I just paid of the credit card with our Beachbody money, I didn't have a spare tire from the holiday indulgences and we started the New Year off with a clean slate that was the most empowering feeling ever!!!!  I REALLY REALLY want to do that for others this year. I truly want to Pay It Forward and teach you specifically how to do it!  

So, here's my thoughts!

I can take on 5 people, 5 brand new coaches that are not currently coaches that are committed to following my very simple plan!  I am going to teach you how to focus on the right activities, how to share vs sell, how to be authentic, genuine and realistic with others and how to earn $500 this holiday season.  

It will take you being willing to invite people to a holiday health and fitness accountability group which we will run together.  I will do the majority of the work but you get to interact, help and support your customers and earn that commission.  I will teach you what to say, how to say it, how to feel like you are sharing an opportunity to help others vs just selling a product.  It's more about building that trust!  People genuinely see through the person who is just out to make a quick sale.  So we are going to do both with ease.

You will be a part of an exclusive closed online group where each day I will post a tip of the day, information, scripts, resources and documents to make your life easier.  I will teach you how to manage your time and give you a power hour so that you are not spending hours on end building a business.  Because honestly who has time for that right now!  I respect your time during the holidays and I want you to feel the freedom to choose!

Even if you have been considering coaching for a while now and haven't pulled the trigger its really a great  time!  If you start now, you set the example for others over the holidays, you will find that people will come to you once the holiday season is finished because you have dedicated and inspiring!  You won't just earn $500 for the holidays but it will continue to increase over the next few months and years! It can be a part time gig or eventually a full time income.  Its totally a personal goal for you and I will match your effort and pace and I will never force you to reach a goal that doesn't fit your life!  

With the launch of Insanity Max 30 in December and The 21 Day Fix Extreme in February there are so many opportunities for growth and new business!  You will have a much easier time with success if you start now vs later.  
Melanie Mitro, top Coach, Beachbody Coach, Cash for Christmas

Here from coaches on the Dream Team how coaching has impacted their life, it's definitely the gift that keeps on giving!

So, lets get the ball rolling!  I am going to be creating the group and getting organized plus reading through the applications and selecting 5 people I feel have the desire and determination to reach success as a coach!

So if you would like to be considered for a spot in the Cash for Christmas coach group please complete the application below.

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