
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Insanity Max30 Weekly Progress Update: Coach Test Group

What is Insanity Max 30, Test Group, Get it Now, Be the first to know
I truly believe this is going to give me killer results
Day 1 Insanity Max 30 Coach Test Group
So last week I posted about my new adventure, being selected to be in the Insanity Max30 Coach Test Group!!  Well that is exciting and amazing it also comes with this 100% dedication and commitment to not just the workouts but the meal plans too!  I mean not cheating for 8 weeks sounds really daunting right! There are a lot of things that are going to happen in the next 8 weeks.  We have friends visiting from Florida, we have Thanksgiving, our friends Christmas party, and Christmas Eve and Christmas day! The more I think about all the obstacles the more overwhelmed I get!  But I have to remember to take my own advice and STOP and take it 1 day at a time!  I am actually going back to being a challenger instead of always being the coach!  

When I agreed to participate in this test group we were adding to a secret facebook group for the test group including Shaun T himself!  Shaun T is also doing the workout program right along side of us.  So we have a place to receive support, motivation and guidance from the man himself.  

He looks miserable but he wakes up on his own

The first week was HARD but not impossible.  I had sweat coming from every part of my body and my calves were on fire but I pushed through until I felt that I couldn't do a fingernail more.  Each day I pushed myself 100% until I maxed out.  Maxing out is defined as the moment where you cannot continue at the high intensity level.  So if you modify, you take a 2 second break, you struggle with a rep that is considered maxing out. Maxing out is NOT a bad thing, you actually want to max out because that means you are pushing yourself to the MAX!  I realized that the first few days I was doing it wrong.  I was pacing myself, I was modifying when I got tired and of course my max out time was longer than if I just jumped in 100% from the 1st minute {which is what you should do}.  Once I started to change my mindset I started to talk to myself in my head, telling myself I could do it.  Don't give up, you want the results, you are worth it, this will be worth it!  Keep going!  I know your tired but the results are worth it!  

Are you ready for Insanity Max 30?

Gosh I feel like I am back to day 1 of Insanity 3 1/2 years ago!  I remember how hard that was and how badly I wanted my body to change more than I wanted it to stay the same.  But this time I have this awesome accountability partner with me!  My wonderful husband, Matt has been 100% committed to the workouts, but the diet that's sketchy but I will take what I can get.  He swore up and down that he would never wake up early and workout with me.  Now here he is up at 5:00 am with me doing Insanity Max 30.  The first few days were brutal for him.  I thought he would burn me with his eyes which you can see from the pics.  But once he discovered that E&E in the morning is the key to getting going it has been much better!

BABE your doing it all wrong!  Squat lower!!!!

He is not always the most pleasant in the mornings and I have to push him but at the same time he calls me out if I am slacking too!  

I think my morning perkiness makes him mad!!!

Sweat for FIT, Melanie Mitro, Insanity Max 30, You can do it
You definitely don't sweat in intervals, you sweat consistently thru the entire workout.

So we made it through week 1, we had company in over the weekend which led to a dinner out at a fancy restaurant and yes I did have a very small serving of pasta and 1 vodka soda water!  But back on track the next day!  I actually didn't have another cheat meal at all and I was able to stay completely on track.

Matt discovered that E&E gives him a nice little boost!

Crazy HAIR & Sleepy FACE, lets go!
FRIDAY WORKOUT was the HARDEST!!!!  Seriously who the heck came up with this!  Shaun T its a good thing you don't live near me!  I'd be knocking at the door asking you if you are INSANE!!!!

The hardest 30 minutes of your life!  Worth it YES!!!!

Death by CARDIO!

AKA killer moves!

Just having fun with FLEX FRIDAY!  Matt said he would flex his butt muscles

Week 2 is here!!!! Because we had company over the weekend Matt was totally trying to talk himself out of waking up early to workout with me. But he knows that he is not only accountable to himself but now others that have been watching our journey through facebook as well.  So its off to bed to workout bright and early!  BRING On WEEK 2.

Yup this is the face of 5:00 am in the morning!  I don't think he likes me very much right now!  But here we goo!!!!!  

Ok lets talk about week 2!!!
The adrenaline has wore off.  It's FREAKIN hard!!!!  It is literally you and the mat, the DVD and quiet air!  There is no one watching what you are doing and noting that you did the workout. It's completely up to you!  I can really see why people quit in week 2.  Its the hardest week.  You are tired, you can easily find excuses not to workout and no one would know if you skipped it! Thankfully I have this awesome accountability group and a coach to keep me on track.  I know that the results are worth the hard work, but darn its hard.  All I keep saying to myself in my mind is you can do this. Engage your core, dig deeper, knees higher, jump faster, squat lower.  You want results then you have to go the extra mile.  So Insanity Max 30 I will own you in the end!!!!  
Day 1 of Week 2 it's go time!

Lets talk nutrition:  While I cannot post the meal plan here and I really can't share what we are eating I will tell you that just like any meal plan its a tight ship.  You have wiggle room but the wiggle room will also determine your results.  So if you want the very best results possible then its important to stick to the plan to the T.  

A few things I know from previous plans like the Eat Clean Stripped is that cutting back the dairy and the less healthier carbs is key to the best results.  So I personally have chosen to keep it basic.  Lean protein, fresh fruits and veggies, starches {whole grain brown rice, quinoa, sweet potatoes and oatmeal}  I still drink my Shakeology for breakfast every day and sometimes a second one if I need to!  

I am still eating every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and I am aiming to drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water each day!  So bring it on, I can make this happen!  
There is a good chance this is gonna be HARD!

Accomplishing hard things is all in your head.  Your body can do anything your mind wants to!
You can do anything you put your mind to! The key to success is to plan out your week.  Get your workout in first thing in the morning before life gets the best of you and then make sure you are tracking your food!  

That wasn't so bad.... NOT

Yup its worth it!  It's fun, its intense, it's no walk in the park!!!  If you want to take your fitness to the next level this is totally for you!

The only lifting you are doing is lifting your own body weight and trust me that is more than enough!!!!

Day 11 is in the bag---- Getting ready to start dinner and get my green tea and snuggle on the couch because it is darn cold here in Western PA.  
Cheer Matt and I on through our journey by following me on Facebook,

If you would like to be one of the very first people to receive Insanity Max 30 please complete the application below to reserve your spot in my exclusive test group.

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