
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Join the #1 Team In Team Beachbody, The Dream Team

The Dream Team

So lets chat for a moment!!!!  

Has the thought ever crossed your mind about becoming a Beachbody coach??? Does it sorta kinda make you excited, give you butterflies but in the same breathe cause you a little panic and fear because you just don't know what to expect?  Are you a motivated person but you are afraid to take that leap of faith? What if I fail? What if I stink at this?  How do I find customers?  How do I make a sale?  I don't want to sell to my friends and family?  I don't know anything about social media?  I'm not a fitness professional?  HECK  I AM NOT EVEN AT MY GOAL WEIGHT!!!  AND..... WHAT THE HECK DOES BEING A COACH MEAN ANYWAYS....UUUAHHHHHHH!!!

Does this sound like the thoughts that keep running through your mind?  Its like you are on a seesaw and you swing from excited to nervous back to excited over and over again but you can't seem to take that leap of faith!  

WELLL.... I totally know how you feel!  99.9% of new coaches including myself felt this way!  It's not that you are afraid of failure it's that you are afraid of change.  It's the unpredictability that gets you ever time!  So, I truly want to calm some of your fears, answer your questions and help you to make an educated decision about becoming a coach!  

So here is what I have going on to help you with this decision making process!

#1 I am going to host a live youtube event this Thursday January 22nd, 2015 at 9:00 pm EST.
click here to join the call

During this call I will give you some background as to how I become a successful coach. What did I do in my first month and first 6 months to create successful habits, and how can you do it too!  I'm absolutely no different than you, I don't have any special powers, but what I do have is consistency over time and the drive and passion for helping others succeed.  You can learn any skill you need to in order to be successful.  If you are teachable and motivated then you will succeed!  

I am going to walk you through the process of what a coach does, how to sign up, what are your investment options, how do you make money, how do you share vs sell and more!  You have the option to ask questions as well at the end!  If you would like to submit questions for me to answer ahead of time you can email me at and I will prepare the answers for you!!!!

Here is the link to join the call:

Join the Dream Team for Exclusive Top Coach Training

Secondly, if you decide that coaching is right for you the next step is to sign up and reserve your spot in my February 2nd, new coach apprenticeship program!

This is going to be a one of a kind SMALL group where I am going to personally mentor you 1:1 and in a group setting over 30 days.  
I am going to teach you exactly what I did to start my business, to reach success in my first few months, to successfully invite, and start a challenge group without you having to re invent the wheel.

Your goal is to invite 3-5 people to join our challenge group that WE will run TOGETHER so you don't have to do it alone!  They will be your customers in the group, you will get the commission, you will follow up and check in with your customers but I will run the post of the day so you can learn from me and in the coming months do your own groups.  

You will have access to my guides, my scripts, my resources, templates, and call recordings.  I absolutely love training my coaches and I feel very passionate about making sure you have a successful start!  While I cannot MAKE you successful, just as in your fitness journey, you can have a stellar meal plan and workout but if you don't follow the plan you won't get the results!  You have to do the work!  Same thing with our business!  It's fun, but it takes purposeful action each day to bring about results.  Instead of stabbing in the dark, I will guide you on that purposeful direction!!!!  I in no way want to toot my own horn but in 3.5 years I have gone from a mom of 2 boys who had some serious baby weight to lose, to the healthiest I have ever been, no more paycheck to paycheck lifestyle, 3X elite Coach, 2X top 10 Coach, 2014 Top Coach, 15 Star Diamond and CAB {Coach Advisory Board} member!  I have done all of this while making my focus on growing my team, their needs and making sacrifices so that they have success and they REACH THEIR GOALS!  In the meantime I have been able to accomplish some pretty cool stuff, but that means nothing to me if I'm standing on that stage alone!  I want to be with my team and I want them to have success too!  The awards and accomplishments come from our team and their hard work and my ability to see a need for training, resources and guidance and provide that!  I'm truly invested in my team and my business for the long haul!  

Does this sound like something you would like to do?  Then Complete the application below to be considered for a spot on my team and to gather more information!

Will you become the NEWEST DREAM TEAM MEMBER?!?!  There will never be a perfect condition or a right time!  Take that leap of faith and build your wings on the way down!  Let's do it together!  DREAM TEAM STYLE!!!!

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