
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan And Weekly Prep

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
Thank You Max30 for the muscles!!!!!

It's Sunday and this is always my day to plan and prep for the week.  It's a rest day but not a rest from my nutrition or my planning.  It's a day to let my body just have some down time but also to mentally get ready for the week ahead.  On Sunday's I take some time to organize my entire life.  I sit down with my calendar and put on there the important things going on during the week for my family, my business and the kids activities.  I always block out time for my workouts and on Sunday's I make my meal plan and grocery list.  That way I have the meal plan printed and taped to the fridge and I have the food in the fridge so it takes the guess work out of exactly what I am going to eat every night.  Just look at the plan and go!

So this morning I sat here and masterminded my plan for the week.  What is my biggest obstacle?  Getting back on track after a weekend of partying with my 4 year old!  YUP!  A little cake and ice cream, fajitas, margaritas and definitely a few more carbs than I needed!  That's ok, I am not too worried because today I will throw away all the cake that is left (I don't feel guilty at all) and I am drinking my Shakeology for breakfast, my typical eating is back on track and I'm ready to go!  I have my plan to do week 4 of Insanity Max 30 starting tomorrow so workouts are taken care of and lots of water is planned to be drank.  So the moral of the story is this!  Don't make every weekend a cheat weekend because then you find yourself eating back everything you worked hard to burn each week but allowing yourself every once in a while to enjoy is totally ok!  It is what keeps you sane and not feeling restricted.  

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
Insanity Max30 Meal Plan for Women on the lowest Calorie bracket

Lets talk meal planning for the week!  I just said to my husband last night that I'm bored with the same foods and its time to try something new.  So I have 2 new recipes on the plan for dinner this week.  Tuscan Chicken is from the Beachbody blog and it sounded easy to make so I'm working on that one and I will report back with whether or not it is a keeper!!!  The second recipe is Lemon Herb Chicken Breast and that I found from the blog  

As far as snacks go I never really have much variety because I am trying to keep my yellows to 2 per day and if you add in a protein bar then that takes away a yellow that I covet for sweet potatoes or almond milk in my shakeology.  I am a creature of habit so I tend to just eat the same things over and over and it works for me!  Shakeology is always my breakfast and I vary between mint water, almond extract, caramel extract a splash of almond milk and other fixings.  But I spice my shake up with extracts vs putting in the fruit since I only get 2 fruits per day and 2 spoons and I don't want to waste them in my shake bc I want to eat them later in the day.  I used to be a fancy shake maker but I realized I was adding to many extra calories for my body type and derailing my progress!  A whole banana in my shake was basically my entire days worth of sugars.  I have gotten good at knowing what foods fill me up vs the ones that leave me hungry!  If I eat eggs and veggies I'm hungry in an hour, but if I add  a slice of ezekiel bread it adds an extra hour.  I have to eat dinner vs drinking a shake.  That's just me and a personal preference but it just doesn't fill me up at dinner time.  But breakfast it works perfect and I'm satisfied!  I also find that I have to stay away from dairy.  Greek yogurt and cheese end up bloating me and for some reason I gain weight when I eat them.  As much as I love my greek yogurt as a snack I'm better off without it.  I also used to be a HUGE oatmeal girl!  Every morning I would have a bowl of oatmeal.  But I noticed the distended stomach with it too!  So I stay away from it!  But for you that might work, so I encourage you to find your center and stick with it!

I believe that your meal plan is a personal preference and I can tell you what works for me but it might be totally different for you.  But it is trial and error until you figure out what works best for you.
Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
Sometimes you don't want to do it but you have to dig deeper and find your inner strength and go

Workouts:  Lets talk Max 30!!  Matt and I are going to be starting week 4 of our second round of max 30.  I can't believe how much stronger we are since we started on day 1.  We have really seen a dramatic increase in our max out times, our push up strength and our endurance.  There are some days we just still stink but we really have been feeling great! The results are easy to maintain once you get them and the nutrition plan is sooo easy to follow! We both love the fast pace of Max 30 and its 30 minutes in and out and done!!!  So bring on week 4 and as always don't go through the motions but get into your own head and challenge yourself every single day to dig deeper and push harder and you will achieve the results too!

So here are some funny pics of the week of Matt and I! Each morning we snap a selfie before we workout and post it on our IG and Facebook accounts!  It keeps us accountable and we are finding that we are really inspiring others to do the same!!!

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
I couldn't Resist Flex Friday with Matt and then this border I found!!! We Change the World one silly selfie at a time and one flex Friday a week!! We hope to inspire 1 person to change their lives with our weirdness!

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
Rise and shine it's SHAUN T time!! About to bust out some sweat intervals AKA death by cardio!!! Somebody isn't too happy he has to be awake today!!! Or maybe I am procrastinating a little at getting started and he is just being impatient!!! 
Either way it's pressing play in 3,2,1... Go!!! See u in thirty!!

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
Are you one toe in and one toe out of your results? Are u working on a lifestyle change when it's convenient for you? Would you say your a fair weather fan??
A transformation of any kind happens when you stop skirting around the idea and you go 100% in and you don't look back!! Al excuses and fears aside you are committed and results happen because your mindset is unwavering!!!! 
Be committed and stop this hokie pokie!!! #max30#tabatastrenght #mitromotivation

Insanity Max 30 Meal Plan, Melanie MItro, Top Coach, Accountability, Support, Food, Clean Eating, Nutrition, 21 Day Fix, Sweat
No matter how much you don't want to do it or how long it took you to get out of bed always remember "never miss a monday"
Start your week off right and focus on reaching your goals and every decisions does make a difference!!! Doing what you know you have to do even when u don't feel like it makes all the difference in the world!!!
Long weekend- tired- but still here!!! Max30 lets do this!!!!! #monday#max30

So I expect to see you tomorrow hitting up your workout and thinking about this... "NEVER MISS A MONDAY"  Always start your week off strong, get in the mindset no matter how busy your weekend was and remember that Matt and I are here right along side of you pushing play and taking names!!!  BOOM!  Have a great week!!!!

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