
Friday, February 6, 2015

Team Beachbody's Newest Super Star Diamond II Coach

So today has been an absolute whirlwind of emotions!  I knew when I went to bed last night that it was going to be a great day!  My team has had a RECORD breaking week. The launch of the 21 Day Fix Extreme was last week plus a handful of leaders are really beginning to gain traction in their businesses.  I couldn't wait to wake up this morning and check the rank advancements for the week!  Our team is on fire and they are just CRUSHING THEIR GOALS!  Coaches are having their biggest paychecks ever, providing for their families in new ways and planning for the future.

Today just my team alone, not including the extended downline and other leaders organizations I had 3 new emerald coaches, Emily Valenti, Sarah Cason, and Lisa Toupin.  We had 3 new 1 Star Diamond Qualifying Coaches, Keri Mignano, Melinda Besinaiz, and Chrisanthi Finn!  We have a new 6 Star Qualifying Coach, Shannon Hargrave and an 8 Star Diamond Qualifying Coach Val Bozzo!  What a truly incredible day of recognition and leadership!  There are coaches hitting success club for the first time and not just success club 5 but they are blowing the roof off of success club 10! That must mean we are doing something right! RIGHT!!!!  

Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Shannon Hargrave 6 Sar From Novi, MI

Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
1 Star Keri from Arizona
Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Val Bozzo 8 Star from Mississippi
Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Chrisanthi expecting Momma and Star Diamond
Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Melinda Star Diamond, Expecting Momma from Cali

Plus, its not just about the rank and recognition!  I am seeing in my Facebook newsfeed my team mates and fellow leaders doing  Gratitude groups (Katy Ursta) to strengthen not just your physical body but your mental strength as well.  Another leader is doing a Proverbs 31 group for women of faith (Kaileigh Hennessey).  There are coaches that are focusing on those that are pre menopausal and need support in weight loss and nutrition along with coaches who are pregnant and coaching other women to stay active during their pregnancy too!  Every where I turn there are great ideas of ways to just make our world that we live in a truly better place!  It's so cool to see this platform that Beachbody has given us become such a blessing and a way to help other people just live life to the fullest.  I am just so grateful for the coaches in my life.  

Today was also a really big day personally for me.  I achieved the rank of Super Star Diamond II today in my business.  What does this mean?  Well for starters I am 1 of 3 other coaches that have achieved this rank.  It means that I have at minimum sponsored 30 diamond coaches.  To date I have 37 active diamond coaches in my business!  This accomplishment not only comes with recognition on stage at summit the Super Star Diamond bonus twice but also an all expense paid trip to LA to be pampered for a few days with my hubby and those at the Corporate office.  
Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Super Star Diamond II Dream Team 

Dream Team Diamonds Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Some of the Dream Team Diamonds

This is not something that I did on my own.  Its absolutely 100% a team approach. It didn't happen because I signed up a lot of coaches, but it happened because I was able to effectively create systems to help my coaches grow, learn and flourish into amazing leaders that they are!  It is a group effort, it takes hard work, time and effort and I invested in each of these coaches just as they met me half way with effort and intensity.  I can truly say that I have a team of coaches that just truly are go getters, have vision, are inspired and are here because they love helping people and the income is a great perk!  

I am more than honored to represent them and uphold the integrity of our team!  

Today we celebrate a huge milestone but more importantly we celebrate success as a whole.  This is only the beginning!  Our journey has just begun.  I have only been a coach for 3.5 years. I know that the next few years are going to be even better.  

I am that mom from Mars, PA that just had a gut feeling that I could be good at this!  I started out with coaching because I had great weight loss success with Insanity and P90X, Clean Eating and Shakeology and I wanted to empower and inspire other women to do the same thing! What started out slow, quickly gained momentum.  I am in this for the right reasons and I'm willing to practice the Slight Edge every single day in order to get there!  

Thank you Dream Team for Truly BEING AMAZING!  I am blessed and you mean the world to me!!!!!  

Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
From my very first Diamond Coach Sara Stakeley:  Not Only is this little Mom from MARS, PA TOP Coach this year in her Beachbody Business she has now SMASHED another goal in RECORD Breaking time!! 

You have no idea unless you speak "Beachbody Language" what SuperStar II means but I bet you know by the way it sounds it is pretty Fancy Right? 

Melanie Mitro is a SuperStar not one but TWO Diamond Coach!! She and only 3 others in the company have been able to do this!!
And we have a TON of coaches in this business!!

Now don't pick your jaw up off the floor just yet!! wink emoticon

She has personally sponsored 37 DIAMOND coaches and they are amazing people that have reached out with her leadership and helped others change their lives with this business! YES I said 37...... WOW!!

Mel as my coach and friend I am so proud of you for everything you accomplished!
You had a goal to help as many people as you could to just change their life. You wanted to teach others what you had learned and love about clean eating, in home busy mom fitness, and cured your chocolate obsession with shakeology!

You have Changed the health of so many lives!! You have saved finances, marriages, and have given back the meaning of having happiness in a career to so many people!!
I hope that you know you have always been a superstar to so many people and today I am so very proud of all that you have accomplished! 
I love you SARA!!! Thank you for being an amazing FRIEND!!!!!

Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Beautiful flowers from CEO CArl Daikeler, Jon Congdon, Michael Neimand & Jeff Hill at Corproate

Super Star Diamond II, Team Beachbody Coach, Melanie MItro, Pittsburgh Coach, Elite 10, Top Coach, Mom, Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, Insanity Max 30
Thank you Seay Stanford for the beautiful shout out to wake up to this morning!!!  
Check out my video to my amazing team!!!! It's not just about a rank or a title, it's more about the relationships you build, the success your team has and the feeling that you were able to make a positive impact in the lives of others!

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