
Monday, February 2, 2015

The 21 Day Fix Extreme Is Here: Get It Now And Get My Support To Complete It!! Are You In???

21 Day Fix Extreme is here, What is the 21 Day Fix Extreme, 21 Day fix Extreme Meal Plan, Results, Melanie Mitro

The Moment we have all been waiting for {well at least I have been waiting for} is finally here! The 21 day fix extreme is officially available to purchase through Me as your coach!!!!!  

It's time to turn up the heat on your results.  It's time to take your fitness level to the max and get those abs and the muscle definition you have been working towards.  You might be reading this thinking that you are not necessarily looking for a ripped up body but you want to get your fitness to the next level and in that case this is absolutely for you too!  I would definitely say that if you are down to the last 10-20 pounds of your weight loss journey and you already have a base level of fitness then this program would be a good fit for you!

It combines strength training with steady state cardio and power moves to bring your body 6 days of intense change for your body! 

Nutrition is honestly 80% of your results and with Extreme you are going to be eating ONLY clean foods. So in the Fix you were able to have your wine or a treat once in a while. With the Extreme that is gone!  You are 100% clean and you are dialed into nutrition with the portion controlled containers and a list of approved foods and recipes to go along with that! For those of you that have every followed Tosca Reno's Stripped plan, this is similar to that!  

21 Day Fix Extreme is here, What is the 21 Day Fix Extreme, 21 Day fix Extreme Meal Plan, Results, Melanie Mitro
21 Day Fix Extreme is here

So who is this program for?

1.  People who want a dramatic short term weight loss solution for a big event like a vacation, wedding, photo shoot ect....

2.  21 Day Fix Graduates or individuals who have completed programs like P90X, P90X3, Insanity Max30, T25, Turbofire, Asylum, Chalean Extreme.

3.  People who do not have a lot of weight to lose that are dedicated, committed to following the nutrition plan and have a no BS attitude.  There are no excuses, if you want the results its time to dig a little deeper and get them!  The biggest key to this program is the nutrition plan!  Having that will power to say no to the treats!  The great part is that you are not on this journey alone.  My job is to have you in my closed online support and accountability group and coach you through the entire program from beginning to end.  My goal is to make sure that you do in fact get the very best results possible.  I will provide daily accountability, tips, recipes, and we will cheer each other on and help each other stay focused when life gets in the way! Accountability was definitely the secret sauce for me!!!

4.  This program is also for people who don't want to count calories or macros. Its based on a simple and easy to follow portion controlled container system that gives you a very specific list of foods and ways to prep and prepare your meals.

21 Day Fix Extreme is here, What is the 21 Day Fix Extreme, 21 Day fix Extreme Meal Plan, Results, Melanie Mitro
Sample of a fix meal with the containers

What do you get when you purchase this program?

Well the best way to get this program is with what is called a "challenge pack"  that is the 21 day fix extreme complete program.  7 workouts, the portion controlled containers, the nutrition guide, program manual, countdown to competition plan and a bonus DVD called the "CHALLENGE" which you only get when you order through me as your coach!  This comes with free shipping and a discounted price when you purchase the package this way! Honestly this is the best bang for your buck.  This also gives you access into my challenge group for the customized support, meal planning, tips, recipes, accountability, how to handle cravings, temptations and social events!  I won't let you fail.  If you want to succeed we will do this together!  I love my job and seeing other people reach their goals is the best feeling in the world.
21 day fix extreme challenge pack, get it now, get the 21 day fix extreme, what is the 21 day fix extreme, Melanie Mitro

I am also launching the 21 day fix extreme test group starting on the 9th of February!  I am going to help you set realistic goals, teach you how to follow the meal plan, how to plan your week, your days, your meals and snacks so that you can get the best results possible. We will hold each other accountable with a daily check in and rating of your day!  Our goal is to help you reach the results that you want!!!!  Do you want to do this program but you are AFRAID you will fail or that it will be another program that sits on the shelf and collects dust?  Well then join the accountability group! It does not cost anything additional.  It's just a perk of purchasing the program through me as your coach!  

If you are ready to change, I will help you succeed!!!!!

21 Day Fix Extreme is here, What is the 21 Day Fix Extreme, 21 Day fix Extreme Meal Plan, Results, Melanie Mitro

Why am I doing the 21 day fix???  I am going on a Team Beachbody Trip in 2 months and I want to tone, tighten and feel wonderful in my bathing suit and summer clothes!  I love the feeling of being confident because I am eating healthy and exercising!  My goal is to just be in the best shape I can personally be for myself!  I'm doing this to bust out of my winter body and be ready for the warmer weather when it arrives!  IT takes more than 1 month to reach your ultimate goals with your health and fitness!  So I know that if I start now I will be at the goal when the weather warms up!

Get the 21 Day Fix EXTREME NOW!!!!!  HERE

21 day fix extreme is here, get the 21 day fix extreme, pittsburgh coach

To get the fix extreme and have me as your support and accountability coach click here:

Complete this application for my group!

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