
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Are you Ready for a New You in the New YEAR?!

Are you READY for a CHALLENGE?!  Introducing the
New Year =  New YOU
Exclusive Beachbody Challenge Group!
Let 2011 be the last unhealthy and unfit year of your life.  Together we will transform your body and mind into the one you have always been dreaming of!,0,47,0"> name="movie" value="" />" />" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1247409409001&,AAAAAGFvgpA~,Dme6miR5QNUh1ZLcCDJ5iaInMZs2JHDS&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="" name="flashObj" width="486" height="412" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="">>

As you know, I’ve been running challenges, with my Beachbody customers, every 30 days and there has been some AMAZING results had, because of them! Why? ACCOUNTABILITY!!  Without the support of my beachbody family I would not have lost 30lbs from May 2nd 2011 to today.  They pushed me when I was tired, sore and unmotivated.  They lifted me up when I was struggling to stay on track with my eating and because of them I was able to succeed!  So now I am so proud to be able to do the same for others!

Let's kick of 2012 with a bang and transform your life into the most amazing and wonderful life you can make it!  This challenge will be based on Chalene Johnson's newest book, PUSH!  Together we will set realistic and achieveable goals, break them down into small steps and bust through those barriers that you had in the past!  No excuses just pure motivation and drive!  So, this go round, this challenge group will only have 5 members. Each member will ALL be doing the SAME WORKOUT PROGRAM, STARTING ON THE SAME DAY, and each will be replacing one meal (or snack) with SHAKEOLOGY. Yes, if you do not have Shakeology, that would mean you would have to be willing to invest in it (check out some Shakeology reviews; CLICK HERE )because if I am going to invest my time in working with you one on one… I need to know that you are willing to invest in your own health first!

So if my New Year=New You challenge has sparked your interest then check out some great (discounted) packages to choose from, all orders automatically include one month FREEaccess to the Beachbody Club Membership!

What is in each Challenge Pack?

✓ Shakeology Home Direct
✓ Fitness Program (see below)
✓ Team Beachbody®Club (*30-Day FREE trial!)
✓ FREE Shipping!
Here are the Fitness Programs to choose from in each pack:

Here’s a snapshot of the upfront savings you’ll receive with each package option:

Because each member will have a different starting weight and goals, we will also be using the Beachbody Club membership to customize a meal plan specific to YOUR goals to get you the BEST possible results! Even better, by being a CLUB member you will actually SAVE 10% on ALL of your Beachbody purchases, going forward!!!
If you want to get the Club Membership or upgrade to get the discounts, and click join the club and upgrade or sign up now.

TOGETHER the 6 of us would BEGIN OUR 90 DAY JOURNEY. Checking in EVERYDAY, without exception!

I will be creating a private Facebook book group during the Challenge period, for each member to check in daily. Each member will have unconditional access to me, as their personal Coach, which means, I will even be giving my cell # out to the participants.

Now to be upfront, this IS a commitment - ON MY PART and YOURS. All the more reason, if you tell me you are ready to commit, I will expect your 110% dedication, as you will get mine, as well. By participating in this challenge, I’ll know you are really ready to change your life. But I do believe it could be something that will not only make me a better coach for having gone through it… but will leave 5 people COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED at the end!!

All truth, I don’t want to just “sell” you a program…..I want to “sell” you on the RESULTS.
So, if in just 30 days you don’t feel like you’re getting the results you want, I want you to get a FULL REFUND. No harm no foul….I deserve to lose the commission if the you fail to see measurable results*, due to my lack of interaction. Now granted I can’t literally do the workout for you, but I can damn make sure you’re hearing from me on a daily basis and you know I’m there waiting on you. You will have my personal cell phone number, but , believe me when I say, if I don’t hear from you….you’ll be hearing from me.

Click on the Image below to officially commit to the New Year=New You Beachbody Exclusive Challenge!

What’s in it for you? The possibilities are endless! What if you took this Beachbody Challenge and FINALLY got the results you have longed for? What if you were able to fit back into those “skinny” jeans’? What if you could feel AWESOME waking up every day because you took care of yourself the day before through proper exercise and nutrition? What if you could eliminate some of your daily medication? What if…? What if….?? But here’s what I can only hope is in it for you:
✓ Accountability + Motivation + Support = RESULTS
✓ Recommitment on life – living it healthy & be able to make the RIGHT choices!
FREE (30-day) meal planning & recipes
✓ My personal commitment to YOU
Oh…and almost forgot:
Beachbody Challenge CASH PRIZE giveaways (US Residents only):

  • $500 daily giveaway just for logging your workout into the SuperGym!
  • $1,000 monthly will be awarded, so be sure to submit your results at the end of each month.
  • $5,000 quarterly - Someone will be chosen from the monthly submissions each quarter and awarded $5,000
  • $100,000 if you are the Male or Female with the most remarkable transformation!!!
  • PLUS, I will be coming up with my own personal prizes to add to the mix
If you would like to be considered and are willing to make ALL the commitments above, then… what are you waiting for?!?! Comment below ASAP or send me an email at and tell me that you want in this group!!!

Make it COUNT!

Let's Commit to Getting FIT and make 2011 the last unhealthy year of your LIFE!

Melanie Mitro

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