
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Every year I plan, shop and bake for the holidays and every year I say, "It just doesn't feel like Christmas."  Well this year it definitely feels like Christmas.  Even though it is warmer than usual in Western PA this year and we haven't seen any more than a few flurries so far this year, something was different!  Landon is almost 3 and Bryce will be 1 in 2 weeks.  Landon is so into Santa and getting presents this year that it just fills my heart with excitement to see his face light up when he walked down the stairs this morning! 
This year Landon put cookies out for Santa and fed the reindeer their food and off to bed he went!  Both boys were so exhausted from our busy Christmas eve that we had to wake them up at 8:30 am so they could open presents.  When Landon came downstairs he was really to roll!  He started opening presents one by one with such force!  The excitement was all over his face.  Santa brought him new trains, matchbox cars, a leap pad, and his favorite present of all, a drum set!!  Landon has been asking for a drum set for 3 months!  But the stipulation was that he had to poop on the potty before Santa would bring him drums!  Last week he was still not pooping on the potty but then miraculously 2 days before Christmas he started asking to go on the pot!  I was so nervous that we were not going to be able to give him the drums for Christmas!  But, he knew Santa meant business and he pulled it together!  Needless to say it was the hit of the day! He immediately pulled out the sticks and starting singing and banging the drums!  I just love the pure joy and innocence of my almost 3 year old! 

My Sweet Baby Bryce
Bryce was just happy to eat some wrapping paper!  But he totally enjoyed his rockin mickey mouse and his ball popper with a hammer!  Boy can that boy hit the hammer!!!  Bryce just smiled the entire day even though he was exhausted from the busy day he hung in there and was a trooper!

There is nothing better then spending the holidays with your friends and family that mean the most to you!  I have so much to be thankful for this holiday season, my healthy and happy family, our beautiful home and our loving and supportive friends and family! We are truly blessed to be able to provide our family with a Christmas day that they will never forget!  For me, Christmas is all about giving other people gifts!  I love to see the look on their faces when they open a gift that they were not expecting or that they really wanted!  It's all about making others feel special! 
Love the bear hat & gloves from grammy
I can't believe we are 1 week away from 2012 and I'm so excited for what the New Year has to hold for me and my family!  I can't believe how far we have come in 2011! 

God is GOOD!

Thank you!

Merry Christmas,

Melanie Mitro

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