
Sunday, February 1, 2015

The New Leader Conference

New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
My travel buddy Katy Ursta for the New Leader Conference in LA

I just got home from an amazing weekend with some of the most inspiring leaders in the organization.  I was asked to speak at the New Leader Conference for Team Beachbody and their emerging leaders!  Any coach who is a 2 to 5 star diamond and didn't attend the previous Leadership Conference in Arizona could attend this conference in LA.  It was a great way to bring together the new leaders in the past 6 months and provide them with focused training, tools and networking so that they can have a better understanding of how to drive their businesses forward in 2015.  

I got the call a few months ago asking me to speak at the new leader conference.  I was 1 of 3 Super Star Diamond Coaches that were asked to present.  Myself, Trina Gray and Traci Morrow were the coach led presentations.  We each had uniquely different perspectives that gelled together and provided a well rounded position for building a great business. I felt very honored to be on stage with these ladies.  I admire and respect each of them as leaders and friends.  
New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
The fabulous Speakers of the New Leader Conference

The event absolutely hit the nail on the head!  The event opened with CEO Carl Daikeler and our core purpose here at Beachbody.  It was great for him to speak about the history of the company and what the vision is for the future! It makes me just even more thankful to be a part of a company that truly believes that quality over making money is the most important job!  They absolutely deliver on their core values to commit and deliver quality services with respect!  

I had the chance to chat with the CEO and discuss my team, my personal goals and where I want to go in 2015!  Even with everything achieved this year I have no plans to slow down, lose steam or stop!  My team is the most important thing to me right now and delivering them quality service is my mission!  As a leader my job is never done!  I am FIRED up about all the possibilities for this upcoming year! Watch out Dream Team, we got this!
New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
Deep conversation with CEO Carl Daikeler about my 2015 Goals

Traci Morrow, Super Star Diamond Coach and Founding Coach spoke on Integrity in the business.  As a leader we have immense influence on others and the way that we conduct ourselves is going to determine the rate of growth and also the trust of your team.  EVERYTHING rises and falls on LEADERSHIP!  
Integrity is who you are when no one is looking!  Are you the same person on social media that you are at home behind closed doors?  When she asked that question I could whole heartedly say YES.  What you see is what you get!  Hot mess and all.  But honestly I do my very best to be the very best while maintaining that balance!

Michael Neimand, Executive VP of Network Marketing spoke on the concept of the leadership ladder.  This is a concept that I have embedded in my new leaders and will be teaching every coach in the organization.  I'm very excited to help my coaches not just achieve a rank but to ensure that they are creating income at that level as well.  This new system is going to ensure that this is happening and is able to be monitored and tracked.

I can't wait to share what I learned this week on my rising stars call!

Thursday night we had a great little meet and greet with the Executives and the coaches!  It was a great opportunity to chat and just get to know everyone at the event!  It was a great little outdoor setting with couches, fireplaces, appetizers and drinks.  It was pretty cool to see that my team had a great representation there! Check out the new leaders!!!
New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro

Cim Carver, Regional Sales Director spoke on Discipline and Self Leadership.  It starts with being completely committed to reaching your goals!  It means that you don't worry about what you can't control but you aim to control the controllable!  You are also accountable to yourself and you have checks and balances in place to make sure that you are moving forward!  

I had the opportunity to speak on creating a recruiting culture.  When it comes to building a business you always need to have a plan, have a strategy, and always lead with your heart and soul.  Focus on others and helping them to get the very best results possible.  When you put the needs of your team first you ultimately have success for yourself
New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
Me on the Big Stage at the New Leader Conference

New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
Creating a Culture of Recruiting, Team Beachbody

Trina Gray, Super Star Diamond Coach Spoke on Developing Leaders.  The one thing that she said that really stuck out to me was to be yourself!  No matter what anyone else does do what works best for you!  When you try to conform to everyone else's mold you ultimately end up shorting yourself.  This business is about creating your own system, your own team, your own leadership and while you want to avoid re inventing the wheel its fun to individualize the resources we have and brand yourself!  Get to know your team and dig into their goals and watch them grow!
New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
Super Star Diamond Coach Panel Q&A at Leadership

We also had time to dig into personality styles with LeeAnne Ruff and the Color Code which I personally feel is extremely helpful at dialing into your team and helping to motivate and encourage the different coaches on your team!  Not everyone works the same way! This is a great way to meet everyone's needs.

We also had the opportunity to head over to Corporate Headquarters for a tour of the office plus a private workout with Autumn Calabrese, creator of the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  We did the lower body extreme workout and let me tell you that my booty is on FIRE today!  Amazing workout and I truly can't wait to get it when it comes out tomorrow!  

BEFORE THE Autumn Workout:  Excited to go check it out live!!!
Before we get all sweaty and gross from the awesome 21 Day Fix Extreme workout

New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
holy squats and lunges- burn booty burn!

New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
the crew post workout

New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro
Post 21 Day Fix Extreme Lower Body Extreme Workout

The evenings were fun and laid back with social events and cocktails each night!  I had the chance to meet many of the amazing new leaders at this event!  It was an awesome time and I enjoyed spending time with the coaches in my downline plus my travel buddy Katy Ursta!  We had so many fun memories and laughs! While we didn't want to come home we were ready to see our babies!!!

New Leader Conference, Team Beachbody, Autumn Calabrese, LA, Carl Daikeler, Top Coach, Training, How to Find coaches, Melanie Mitro

Will you be there next year as a new leader?!?  You won't want to miss this! If you are interested in joining the DREAM TEAM and becoming a new leader hit me up for the details at

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